1) Does the administration care if the girls' athletic teams are successful in terms of wins and losses? If so, then attention will be paid to underperforming teams.
Usually, the administration doesn't really care that much because the number of wins for girls' basketball has little impact on school spirit, parental involvement or, in the case of private schools, more applications. Now it is possible that a private school would see a very successful girls' program as a marketing tool generating free advertising and would thus care more than other schools.
2) Does the administration support coaches if parents complain? This actually cuts both ways, as if the administration listens to parents, it may fire a quality coach, or on the other hand, fire an underperforming coach. Generally, for high-level programs, though, this means supporting the coach over disgruntled parents.
3) Does the athletic director give girls' basketball equal access to funds and facilities? One would think, in the #MeToo era, that this was a given, but not so. Too often still the girls practice when the boys don't want to, or in an alternate gym, and get little support from the AD in regards to uniforms, equipment and scheduling.
4) Does the AD/administration allow the team to travel as much as it wants to? Obviously, traveling during finals is questionable most of the time, but otherwise, if the team has an opportunity to take a big trip, will the school make it easy to do so?
If the answers are no to the above four questions, this qualifies as a lack of administrative support. And there's more as well, but these are the big things.