Administrative Support


Hall of Famer
Jul 4, 2001
now-and-then references are made to "administrative support" for girls' basketball, but I'm unclear about what that involves, as far as nuts and bolts go. my unfortunate experience in this area involved two attempts, one unsuccessful, the second which will remain sadly unresolved forever, to remove a popular and successful coach. I guess I'm inclined to favor a hands-off approach, but I'm naive about what goes on behind the scenes. anyone have experience in this area?
now-and-then references are made to "administrative support" for girls' basketball, but I'm unclear about what that involves, as far as nuts and bolts go. my unfortunate experience in this area involved two attempts, one unsuccessful, the second which will remain sadly unresolved forever, to remove a popular and successful coach. I guess I'm inclined to favor a hands-off approach, but I'm naive about what goes on behind the scenes. anyone have experience in this area?
well, I'm not sure I quite understand your question or what happened in your experience. Were you a coach? A parent? An outside observer?
Regardless I don't think there is a simple answer, and it is a case by case basis based on many factors.
1) Does the administration care if the girls' athletic teams are successful in terms of wins and losses? If so, then attention will be paid to underperforming teams.

Usually, the administration doesn't really care that much because the number of wins for girls' basketball has little impact on school spirit, parental involvement or, in the case of private schools, more applications. Now it is possible that a private school would see a very successful girls' program as a marketing tool generating free advertising and would thus care more than other schools.

2) Does the administration support coaches if parents complain? This actually cuts both ways, as if the administration listens to parents, it may fire a quality coach, or on the other hand, fire an underperforming coach. Generally, for high-level programs, though, this means supporting the coach over disgruntled parents.

3) Does the athletic director give girls' basketball equal access to funds and facilities? One would think, in the #MeToo era, that this was a given, but not so. Too often still the girls practice when the boys don't want to, or in an alternate gym, and get little support from the AD in regards to uniforms, equipment and scheduling.

4) Does the AD/administration allow the team to travel as much as it wants to? Obviously, traveling during finals is questionable most of the time, but otherwise, if the team has an opportunity to take a big trip, will the school make it easy to do so?

If the answers are no to the above four questions, this qualifies as a lack of administrative support. And there's more as well, but these are the big things.
thanks, I know you have experience at at least 4 different schools as a coach.

follow-up: what are the elements of "attention" that an administrator can pay to an underperforming (can of worms there) team to improve its performance? in your experience, what's worked, or, what was on your wish list that you think would have helped? I suppose your items #2-4 , if lacking (funds and gym time, effective mediation w parent conflicts, permission to travel if desired) are a good start.
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Interesting questions ...

A motivated athletic director can really help an inexperienced coach by pointing some very obvious avenues for improvement:

1) Attending coaching clinics
2) Getting out in the community and going to middle school games to see who's coming to the school, and letting them know the high school coach cares
3) Being part of the school community as much as possible
4) Observing practices by successful coaches in other sports and at other levels
5) Constructing a schedule
6) Setting realistic goals for the program and the players
7) How to communicate more effectively with parents and players
8) Finding good JV coaches with community connections
9) Finding assistants who are more than just beer-drinking buddies

Unfortunately, many athletic directors are not particularly motivated and will focus whatever attention they have on a) the team they coach; b) football; c) boys' basketball; d) the sport with the most aggressive parents. If it's a public school AD who has one or two free periods to be the athletic director, it's a tough situation because there's not enough time to supervise the sports.

At the same time, a coach needs to fight for her program by demanding equal treatment with gym time, game support (people to work the clock, etc.) and scheduling occasional doubleheaders with the boys. The squeaky wheel ...

And coaches will improve, as experience matters in everything, if they work at it, so it's possible to elevate a program without firing the coach.
i was being facetious in my response btw... i know some of you guys have a hard time recognizing that..

but seriously, clay, all good points. But in regards to your bullet points that deal with bball directly (clinics, lower level coaches, middle school games, etc) how many AD's have you had or witnessed that have absolutely no knowledge of up and down within the game of basketball, let alone specifics on the girls side? I'm sure there are many who don't know their way around a soccer pitch, pooldeck, or football field even, and in those cases who do they trust to take input from if it's not the head coach of said sport?
1) Does the administration care if the girls' athletic teams are successful in terms of wins and losses? If so, then attention will be paid to underperforming teams.

Usually, the administration doesn't really care that much because the number of wins for girls' basketball has little impact on school spirit, parental involvement or, in the case of private schools, more applications. Now it is possible that a private school would see a very successful girls' program as a marketing tool generating free advertising and would thus care more than other schools.

2) Does the administration support coaches if parents complain? This actually cuts both ways, as if the administration listens to parents, it may fire a quality coach, or on the other hand, fire an underperforming coach. Generally, for high-level programs, though, this means supporting the coach over disgruntled parents.

3) Does the athletic director give girls' basketball equal access to funds and facilities? One would think, in the #MeToo era, that this was a given, but not so. Too often still the girls practice when the boys don't want to, or in an alternate gym, and get little support from the AD in regards to uniforms, equipment and scheduling.

4) Does the AD/administration allow the team to travel as much as it wants to? Obviously, traveling during finals is questionable most of the time, but otherwise, if the team has an opportunity to take a big trip, will the school make it easy to do so?

If the answers are no to the above four questions, this qualifies as a lack of administrative support. And there's more as well, but these are the big things.

It's amazing in this day and age how many AD's/Schools are not in compliance with Title IX and still give preferential treatment to boys-in all sports. there are very far and few between that actually care about the success of the girls program. I know Lou Ritchie has helped out numerous times with the girls program at BOD and have heard that Dublin boys does the same. I think it makes coaches stronger to have people come watch practice, give feedback on anything: pedagogy, plays, defense, transition...
Back in the '70s and early '80s, I worked for a principal who actively made it difficult for girls' sports -- and ironically, he has some building named for him at Monte Vista. Otherwise, I've had good luck with ADs, who all know basketball to some degree. (After all, it is the second most important sport ...)

When I worked with Casey Rush at Acalanes in the late '90s and he turned that program around, the principal and staff were not that happy with us because it just meant they had more work to do (more games to cover, more paperwork to file). The AD at the time was a former boys' basketball coach, but he was winding down career-wise and didn't do much for anyone.

In general, the ADs will first listen to their coaches, second to the parents and third, if it comes to that, the players. But in any serious situation, any experienced AD will quickly kick the issue upstairs and let the school administration make the tough calls.

High school administrators are overworked and underpaid (never can understand why people want to have fewer of them and pay them less, as if that would improve the school), so adding an extra level of work with postseason games, travel, etc., is not necessarily welcome, but they support kids who do well, and they put in the time.

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