It's a problem. Well, sort of. The CCS girls' basketball situation has long been the province of the private/parochial schools. That's a given in today's world. With the advent of the CCS Open Division, the bulk of the interest is there; the other divisions, 1 through 5, have been relegated to secondary status in a very big way. It's tough to drum up enthusiasm for 1 through 5 when the best units aren't involved. All the air has been sucked out of the room. Oddly, even if CCS did not have an Open Division, Division 1 would still be free of private/parochials on the female side based only on enrollment. It would be all publics as it is now. If CCS were to ditch the Open and go to an equity/program strength system, Division 1 would become, de facto, an Open Division again.
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