Jaden Rashada on the move in the Portal

You guys are digging too deep on this one. Jadan's roller coaster path obviously makes some folks shale their heads because the kid's decisions have no conviction and no loyalties. He obviously only cares about the name on this back and not the name on the front of that jersey. And that is totally fine. Free country. Capitalistic country. Do as you please. Better than him engaging in criminal activity. Thats all. Move along.
10-4. Basically, better than being a bum but in my neighborhood he's a pile of #$#$#.
FYI - not a good look, but I hope he knows what he is doing and is not being misled by some street agent or his dad Harlen. He had a good gig at ASU. Yes they're on probation but the coaching staff is good and he can continue to develop. He's at UGA now but that qb room will be extremely competitive with top notch recruits & Transfers coming every year. When they play Florida, he is going to be a huge target of the fans at least.

I saw a video with one of these southern college football analyst (i think it was Josh Pate) who said “Jaden and his Dad are stand up people”…could not help but to laugh.
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Agreed not clueless, I think he just got tired of the recruiting game and couldn’t get the horses anymore that he used when he was at his peak
Don’t know him personally, but I never got the impression that he actually liked recruiting. Just didn’t seem to have the personality and charisma to be a great recruiter. No enthusiasm for that part of the job
haven't gotten to watch any georgia games how is rashada doing? i noticed they almost lost to kentucky because they couldn't score was that on rashada or someone else?
if that’s the case why could they barely score against Kentucky? i feel like if he was really elite they should’ve of put 40 on a team like Kentucky
I’m not an NFL scout, so maybe ask them? Also only low IQ humans base someone entire career and body of work based on one singular game

His stats and win loss record tell a story of a solid player
I’m not an NFL scout, so maybe ask them? Also only low IQ humans base someone entire career and body of work based on one singular game

His stats and win loss record tell a story of a solid player
plenty of college quarterbacks put up "stats" and win almost all there games but are total garbage (by the standards set of that level) because there on loaded teams. especially at the big schools. ken dorsey matt barkley jamarcus rustle timothy richard tebow every ohio state qb ever i could go on and on
plenty of college quarterbacks put up "stats" and win almost all there games but are total garbage (by the standards set of that level) because there on loaded teams. especially at the big schools. ken dorsey matt barkley jamarcus rustle timothy richard tebow every ohio state qb ever i could go on and on
I said this is what NFL scouts have him rated……his size, arm, stats and record seems to backup their scouting of him…….will he pan out in the NFL? Who tf knows ? But to say he’s not very good based on 1 single game that he won on the road seems pretty ridiculous to me
Is Jadon Rashada ever going to play a down of football? That is the ? I have. He's about 1 spot ahead of me on GA depth chart.
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How much was he offered and promised? How much he end up getting ? Was he lied to? Did he know he wasn’t getting what he was promised ? Need to see those details and then I can give you my thoughts
brennan marion lied to him in order to get him to transfer. anyone who knows how marion operates isn't surprised by this.
Until they go to a true employee/employer relationship its going to be a lot of this unfortunately. I can guarnateed you this won't be the first case.
nor should it be. kids need to capitalize on their one big opportunity for nil and get as much as they can. remember college football is where the road ends for almost all these kids, especially the qb's.
So a free college education isn't enough?
no it isn't. because they provide value to the athletic department that is much much greater in terms of dollars than the price of tuition, board, and per diem. they deserve to be paid a fair percentage of the revenue they generate for the school's athletic department. if that is greater than the price of tuition, room and board, they deserve the extra compensation.

especially in cases like these. remember this qb only has a couple years of college to cash out as much as he can, as he is not going to be in the nfl.

imagine your on your job and get your company a $10 million business deal. the deal closes and you ask for a $100,000 bonus as a reward for getting the company $10 million.

company says "we already pay your mortgage isn't that enough?"

you would leave that job immediately.
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no it isn't. because they provide value to the athletic department that is much much greater in terms of dollars than the price of tuition, board, and per diem. they deserve to be paid a fair percentage of the revenue they generate for the school's athletic department. if that is greater than the price of tuition, room and board, they deserve the extra compensation.

especially in cases like these. remember this qb only has a couple years of college to cash out as much as he can, as he is not going to be in the nfl.

imagine your on your job and get your company a $10 million business deal. the deal closes and you ask for a $100,000 bonus as a reward for getting the company $10 million.

company says "we already pay your mortgage isn't that enough?"

you would leave that job immediately.
Not only this but with the old system you couldn't even work during the year! I was a college athlete and I can tell you without FASFa you had no money to live. That system definitely needed to change. Agree the current system isn't perfect and needs updating but the pre-nil system wasn't good.
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Not only this but with the old system you couldn't even work during the year! I was a college athlete and I can tell you without FASFa you had no money to live. That system definitely needed to change. Agree the current system isn't perfect and needs updating but the pre-nil system wasn't good.
same.. we had to do what we had to do to survive and that wasnt always legal or ethical
but to quit? 3 games in?
If you said my salary was 100k and you didn’t pay me that I wouldn’t work for free………now the other story that he got 100k then after 3-0 he then got representation who then demanded 300k and they told him to piss off, then yeah f**k that guy
But who really knows what happened. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if it was the former in which he was promised $100k and instead got a monthly rent stipend for a sofa bed in Menlo Park. Keep in mind this kid was playing at Holy Cross last year. Nobody gets that pissed to quit 3 games in. Me thinks UNLV F* him because if you got $100k that tells me they were willing to work with you. If you got $3k that tells me they are snakes.
But who really knows what happened. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if it was the former in which he was promised $100k and instead got a monthly rent stipend for a sofa bed in Menlo Park. Keep in mind this kid was playing at Holy Cross last year. Nobody gets that pissed to quit 3 games in. Me thinks UNLV F* him because if you got $100k that tells me they were willing to work with you. If you got $3k that tells me they are snakes.
brennan marion was the main coach involved in this deal so everyone in the industry knows what time it is.
But who really knows what happened. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if it was the former in which he was promised $100k and instead got a monthly rent stipend for a sofa bed in Menlo Park. Keep in mind this kid was playing at Holy Cross last year. Nobody gets that pissed to quit 3 games in. Me thinks UNLV F* him because if you got $100k that tells me they were willing to work with you. If you got $3k that tells me they are snakes.
I agree…. If he got the $100k that was agreed upon then you would think he would have had to stay for the season at least or UNLV could ask for the $$ back if there was an actual agreement…..

To throw away the season and not play would be pretty bad for his career…. Who wants a QB who took a year off and who else is going to pay him the $200k?….
So a free college education isn't enough?
No. College isn’t what it once was in terms of expanding oneself or intelligence. I saw a study recently that said the average IQ of a college grad was around 105 this places these grads as average in society. No smarter than a HS grad basically just with a false sense of intelligence because they have a degree. And in many cases the degree is worthless. These athletes should absolutely grab the cash if they can.
i hate to always have to be the guy to point this uncomfortable truth out but i will. the only difference is that jaden is of a different ethnic background. the double standard still exists.
Yeah there is a double standard alright. I don’t think it’s what you think it is however.

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