Mills stands alone


Hall of Famer
Sep 25, 2009
In the Age of Equity, strange things happen. Witness the Division IV NorCal girls' playoffs. Mills of Millbrae has become the last CCS public school female team standing in the entire CIF tournament, regardless of bracket. The Vikings of Coach David Matsu produced a lackluster 4-8 record in the Peninsula Athletic League South in 2022. Their overall record entering NorCals was a very modest 12-12. They did not capture a championship of any kind this season. They do not possess a distinctly stellar, go-to, all-star calibre player of serious note. College recruiters are not hovering around them. But here they are as the Number 8 seed in D IV; they face Argonaut Saturday at 6 p.m. in their own gymnasium not far from SFO in a D IV semi-final contest. A victory gets the Vikings into a NorCal championship game. How does Mills succeed (beyond the obvious competitive balance factor)? Coaching. Preparation. Patience. Defense. Pace. Shot selection. Savvy. The Vikings are a prime example of over-achievement, especially if you focus only on the offensive end of the floor. The sum is much greater than the individual parts in Millbrae these days. And that's a supreme compliment. It's worth pointing out again that a CCS public school girls' team has not played for, or won, a CIF basketball title in 34 years, whether enrollment- or equity-based. Is Mills, essentially coming out of nowhere, going to shockingly overcome that legacy? Who knows? Bizarre outcomes have been occurring with some regularity. Argonaut, Saturday's opponent, is another underdog, a 12th seed. Much credit goes to both of them.
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Burlingame in 1988 is the answer to the trivia question alluded to above.

Good luck to the ladies from Mills.
Making that fact even more telling (and heaven knows we have pointed out this disturbing reality before) is those Panthers (36-2 and D III champions) remain the only CCS public school female unit to grab a CIF crown _ ever. That does tend to sum up the total dominance of the CCS private/parochials from the WCAL and WBAL (two leagues that did not exist for girls in 1988). The likes of Mitty, Pinewood, SHP, Menlo School, SHC, etc. have 30 CIF titles. Ouch. .
Burlingame in 1988 is the answer to the trivia question alluded to above.

Good luck to the ladies from Mills.
That was not really a trivia question. colhenry shares that this time of year.

But here’s a trivia question for you. What are the names of twins that might have led Monta Vista to a state title had Sacred Heart Prep not opted for D1 in 94 & 95?
That was not really a trivia question. colhenry shares that this time of year.

But here’s a trivia question for you. What are the names of twins that might have led Monta Vista to a state title had Sacred Heart Prep not opted for D1 in 94 & 95?
...and let's go back even further to the great Los Gatos teams of the early 1980s coached by Big John Mackey...they too fell short but, my goodness, they were talented...
You’re knowledge of HS basketball is always impressive.
I enjoyed watching those Monta Vista teams play. Against SP it was the #1 game on the Peninsula.
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