An Aragon double hose-job


Hall of Famer
Sep 25, 2009
Unless CCS officials make an urgent change in their NorCal eligibility rules, Aragon's two basketball teams, boys and girls, are going to get the proverbial shaft. Both lost Division II CCS title games today to Valley Christian. Since there are three Open Division II teams already penciled in for NorCals and the listed limit is four, VC will get the last slots for both genders. Aragon will be the odd man, or woman, out. All four Division II entries for both boys and girls will come from the WCAL. Other lower divisions send both title game entries. So much for fairness, balance and attention to the yawning public vs. private/parochial hoops gap in CCS. Who came up with this system?
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The underlying response will be. You lost to the last place team in WCAL. Do you really think you deserve to play in NorCals? You had a good year (really, you did). Enjoy it and move on to baseball. That is problem with any team not playing in Open. Its the CBI of high school basketball. We're No 82!!!

Look, you never know.
It's not hardly a hose job only reason they were in a sectional final is
because of the other teams being in the ccs open.Congrats on making
It to a sectional final but in no way do they deserve a pass to norcal's.
It's not hardly a hose job only reason they were in a sectional final is
because of the other teams being in the ccs open.Congrats on making
It to a sectional final but in no way do they deserve a pass to norcal's.
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I always thought if you reach the section finals you make NorCals. CCS and their WCAL problem always mucking things up. The rest of the CCS should just break off from the WCAL.
Bella is right. Take the WCAL out of the CCS and you have one of the weakest sections in the state. Imagine how many auto bids CCS would get without the WCAL teams. I would compare the CCS to the AAA if you took out those well coached teams that are “mucking up” the section. D2 won by VC which was 2-12 and D3 won by Riordan which was 4-10.
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I speak on behalf of all CCS public schools and 100% agree, that we would be crushed if the WCAL no longer participated in CCS play. It is so much more fun to compete against schools with student athletes that need to cross Bay Area bridges to attend school and/or hail from multiple Bay Area counties. It is also a joy to play a game or enter a tournament with 0% chance of winning.

The CCS public school teams need the WCAL like NCAA Division II schools need Alabama, USC, or Duke. The NCAA has just figured out a way to make sure those teams do not play each other in the playoffs.

The "well-coached" teams in the playoffs? Bellarmine's coach, who is no doubt an excellent coach, did nothing to help his team include only 2 guys on his roster measure less than 6 feet tall. I would assume that most non WCAL rosters are the flip of that, rosters with just 2 athletes over 6 feet.

Let's not pretend the WCAL has a monopoly on the section's quality coaches- that is just ludicrous. Implying that coaches and athletes outside the WCAL are somehow less worthy, is a reason why the WCAL is loathed outside its close knit communities.
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If you think the CCS private-public imbalance is bad on the male side, check out the female ledger. It's far worse. The WCAL and WBAL dominate to the point of numbing boredom.