Finding High School Coaches Often Difficult, Sometimes Complicated

First, happy Mother's Day to all the mothers, grandmothers out there!

Here are some of the reasons that finding good coaches at the HS level is getting more difficult:

HS coaches are paid paltry stipends for performing the following;
Fund-raising to provide student athletes better uniforms, training tools (shooting machines, blocking pads, game film management programs, etc.)
Answering emails from and to parents constantly
Answering and sending text messages to players to communicate effectively
Attending coaching clinics and coaching training every year
Attending school meetings and other school events to support the school and athletes
Watching coaching videos and attending college practices to hone your craft
Setting up schedules, practice, game and off-season schedules
Coaching 35-40 summer league games via tourneys and leagues and possibly coaching Spring and Fall leagues as well
Running year round open gyms that require you or an assistant to supervise the gym for a couple of hours EACH time
Working 10-12 months to be paid in most cases $3500 or less ANNUALLY
Helping student athletes get recruited at the next level, send out videos, highlight films, game films, speaking with college recruiters via the phone, email and texts
Running organized well-prepared lesson plans, just like a teacher in a classroom
Establishing strength and conditioning programs to develop their athletes
Scouting opponents via game film either in person, via youtube, internet, etc.
Setting up websites, twitter accounts, Facebook pages and blogs to spread news and info about your program and athletes
Communicating and meeting with alumni and friends of the programs to continue to garner support for your program
Collecting gear, and in many cases, washing uniforms at the end of the season
Coordinating gym time with VB, wrestling and girls basketball coaches
Cleaning and maintaining the facilities you use (sweeping, wet-mopping, vacuuming the gym and taking out the trash!)
Running summer camps and various clinics for younger players to develop future prospects for your program in order to sustain success
Reading articles and books on how to be a better communicator, leader, educator, motivator of young people
Learning to deal and navigate with the incessant growing entourages of entitled, helicopter and lawnmower parents who continually take away the FUN and ENJOYMENT for coaches. Yes, we actually like to have joy coaching especially when one considers the substantially lower than minimum wage earnings we receive. As I articulate it, I have a 6 figure salary, unfortunately it possesses 2 DECIMAL PLACES!
Doing all this while still maintaining an actual job, on-campus or off-campus to actually pay bills and LIVE.
And, finally sacrificing family and spouse time for the players and their development.

I am sure I am probably forgetting some items, but THANK YOU to all the coaches at all levels that work tirelessly on behalf of others.
As a good friend says,"your reward will be great in heaven." Lord, I hope so, LOL!

Coach Rich Forslund
Even with doing all that is stated by coach Forslund, if you don't have an AD and admin that sees all that you do and supports you. It still might not be good enough to keep your job. That's is the very very sad truth.
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