
Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2013
San Francisco Bay Area

The 3 refs assigned to the game.....

1 ref is a Monty graduate....
1 ref had 2 daughters play basketball at Monty...

How in the hell does the NBOA(North Bay Off Assoc) allow this to happen?
How does the NCS allow this to happen?

Hmmm............just saying....

The 3 refs assigned to the game.....

1 ref is a Monty graduate....
1 ref had 2 daughters play basketball at Monty...

How in the hell does the NBOA(North Bay Off Assoc) allow this to happen?
How does the NCS allow this to happen?

Hmmm............just saying....
They are trying to avoid Monty losing by 50. The first time these two teams played it was not even close. A JV playing a Varsity.
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The 3 refs assigned to the game.....

1 ref is a Monty graduate....
1 ref had 2 daughters play basketball at Monty...

How in the hell does the NBOA(North Bay Off Assoc) allow this to happen?
How does the NCS allow this to happen?

Hmmm............just saying....
that is about as funny as you complaining about PD coverage on here for CN. youd swear half the staff at the PD was newman grads and yet newman parents (you) still complain about coverage ha!
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that is about as funny as you complaining about PD coverage on here for CN. youd swear half the staff at the PD was newman grads and yet newman parents (you) still complain about coverage ha!

hey Troll..

this isn't a CN post....(why the CN infatuation?)
and Ive never made any comment about the PD coverage...once again your statement is incorrect.

and there is nothing funny about this...facts are facts
honestly they could have monty players/coaches/fans ref the game and it wouldn't matter. Refs won't determine this outcome by a long shot, the players on the court will.
honestly they could have monty players/coaches/fans ref the game and it wouldn't matter. Refs won't determine this outcome by a long shot, the players on the court will.


I agree with you about the outcome. it wont be close.

But, overall its a bad look for the NCS and NBOA...why put them on that game in the 1st place?
There are other games they could have been assigned to.
And honestly, the refs should have pointed it out and recused themselves from the game.
Regardless of whether the game would be close or not, I don't think it makes much difference if the ref went to Montgomery, or his daughters played there. (If the daughter was playing there now, though ...)

It is an advantage, I think, to play for refs that you know and that know you. Sometimes it can work against you, but most of the time, the familiarity helps. In a game at this level, though, that doesn't count for much.

One positive for us: If we lose, we know who to blame ...
hey Troll..

this isn't a CN post....(why the CN infatuation?)
and Ive never made any comment about the PD coverage...once again your statement is incorrect.

and there is nothing funny about this...facts are facts
never huh?

my motto is:

Be the LAST team playing in your area...and they have no choice but to cover you.

here is another complaint from a fellow parent/coach da infamous winesnot

"The local media may have forgotten Cardinal Newman is in their county. Big article on Montgomery finishing 2nd in league this year. Cardinal Newman has arguably played the most challenging schedule in North Bay history, they are sitting at 23-3 with a 55 game league winning streak(61-1 in last 4 years in league). Pretty impressive. League tournament starts next week. It will be interesting to see how the Press Democrat covers it."

r u dudes for real over there?
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I agree with you about the outcome. it wont be close.

But, overall its a bad look for the NCS and NBOA...why put them on that game in the 1st place?
There are other games they could have been assigned to.
And honestly, the refs should have pointed it out and recused themselves from the game.

You're right, it shouldn't happen. But it does throughout the season in all sections. If they earned the game due to being good refs and it was predetermined beforehand that they would be doing the final then I would hope that they had the integrity to ref without bias. If they were chosen after the final teams were set, then there would be reason to question.
never huh?

here is another complaint from a fellow parent/coach da infamous winesnot

"The local media may have forgotten Cardinal Newman is in their county. Big article on Montgomery finishing 2nd in league this year. Cardinal Newman has arguably played the most challenging schedule in North Bay history, they are sitting at 23-3 with a 55 game league winning streak(61-1 in last 4 years in league). Pretty impressive. League tournament starts next week. It will be interesting to see how the Press Democrat covers it."

r u dudes for real over there?


Once again.....this is not a CN thread stop making it about CN.

and that statement was clearly a general statement about press coverage for any and all teams. Nice try though.

Do you have an actual take about anything NOT CN related?
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Just heard from NCS that crew isn't actually doing our game ... for the record, I wasn't complaining. If we're not good enough to win, we're not good enough -- but our parents might not have seen it that way.
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This is a very solid thread! It's always great to question the refs after a loss, I mean, it goes without saying. But questioning the refs 36 hours before the game starts is a power move, and extremely proactive! "If you're only 1 step ahead, you're actually two steps behind"-Author Unknown
Jimmy - Why are you calling me names? I looked at the box score of Montgomery's last game, was it right? It appears as though some names are missing.
winesnot- i just realized ur squad didn't even win the ncs last year and somehow won a title. the open strikes again! go monty!
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Uncle Yacht -

Next time you are at Justin-Siena just look at the boards on the wall. Truly the greatest thing is I was not her coach nor was I the statistician.
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My guess is that SRJC is more expensive. Elsie Allen hosts a lot of NCS events, and may not charge much, or not at all.
SRJC is a great venue for Hoops. One of the nicest around. Weird at Elsie Allen?? Have they ever hosted anything.... In any event its virtually a home game for Newman.
People often tend to see others as mirrors of themselves. While it is true that as fans often our perspective of reality is colored by our personal wishes, it is not a given that reasonable people can be objective when it is their responsibility to do so. It seems unfortunate that our society has not for decades promoted and reinforced either honor or integrity. To day it's seems to be about winning or gaining an advantage any way you can. Sport used to imply winning honorably Being a good sport etc. Today taking an unfair advantage is the norm. Young people learn how to break the rules without getting caught. Even somewhat honest people have accepted this sort of perspective as the norm.

Its fun to be a fan because in doing so we can temporarily cast aside objectivity and just follow our emotions. Yet it is important differentiate recognize when to be a fan and when to become objective human beings. The fact that there is a discussion about graduates having a bias in games they might be officiating speaks to the fact that we as a society have not learned that lesson.
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People often tend to see others as mirrors of themselves. While it is true that as fans often our perspective of reality is colored by our personal wishes, it is not a given that reasonable people can be objective when it is their responsibility to do so. It seems unfortunate that our society has not for decades promoted and reinforced either honor or integrity. To day it's seems to be about winning or gaining an advantage any way you can. Sport used to imply winning honorably Being a good sport etc. Today taking an unfair advantage is the norm. Young people learn how to break the rules without getting caught. Even somewhat honest people have accepted this sort of perspective as the norm.

Its fun to be a fan because in doing so we can temporarily cast aside objectivity and just follow our emotions. Yet it is important differentiate recognize when to be a fan and when to become objective human beings. The fact that there is a discussion about graduates having a bias in games they might be officiating speaks to the fact that we as a society have not learned that lesson.


That is soooo true ! I call it "competition out of control" or "negative competition." The whole focus and intention of sports is out of whack because of poor adult leadership, and reckless priorities. An example is whenever a player scores the most points those in power positions blow that up as though scoring is all that matters. They don't take into account that the person probably shot 30-60% or more of the team's shots. And may have shot 15-20% in the process. Or they don't take into account whether or not the person maintained good sportsmanship and kept a good attitude. Or played well in other areas of the game. Recently Carondelet played a game where the "so call " best player from the other team displayed the most reckless attitude and poor sportsmanship I have ever seen. And the refs permitted the player to put everyone on the court and in the stands at risk as the game was allowed to get reckless and out of control. What also bothered me was the child's coaches and parents appeared to be fine with the behavior too. What are we teaching children? That being a selfish, self centered bully, and a poor sport with a bad attitude is ok? Just as long as you score a lot, or win the game? We should take a bit of the focus away from glamorizing scoring and winning at all cost. And acknowledge team players who are willing to sacrifice scoring , play defense, and throw out assist. All while maintaining good attitudes and good sportsmanship. And value building confident young players with respect for the game, authority, and one another. I've seen far too many games get reckless because some idiot started the rumor that basketball is a contact sport. Sure within reason it is. But even MMA, boxing, hockey, and football have rules in place that need to be followed to protect players from unnecessary injury. Or for the game from getting out of control. Especially when the players are not being paid. Certain contact (reckless &dirty play) is not allowed in basketball. And bad attitudes and poor sportsmanship should be discouraged, not encouraged. But that would be putting sports and the game back to the place of respect where it belongs. And would allow it to have the honor and integrity you speak about.

But I guess people like you and I who speak out because we want to see improvement will continue to be made out to be the bad guys.
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@ClayK @larry legend33 probably was a little cheaper to host at Elsie instead of SRJC. Elsie is a nice local gym, but the SRJC gym is only second to SSU's newly renovated facility that turned out awesome. Yes, virtually a home game for CN, awesome for the team, and us fans. St. Joe's fans may want an answer though. Actually surprised this hasn't been "discussed" by "we know who #1, #2, and #3"