Jordan Brown MAKES the USA U17 Team! (As generally expected)


Hall of Famer
Nov 25, 2012
He's the only California player on the team.

Last year, he was a part of the world champion U16 team.

This year's U17 World Championship will be June 23 to July 3.

All games will most likely be available online, with the possible exception of any games covered live on TV.

If online, the games will be somewhere on this site:
Last year the streaming option was very good.

Congrats to Jordan! Another accomplishment to add to his growing resume.
Yes, it the stream is excellent. I watched a whole bunch of games from the 2014 U17 tourney. Very good pic and sound, super-smooth stream with almost no stuttering. In my case, it probably would be even better if I had thought to watch on my somewhat newer laptop. Desktop is 2009 vintage with a cheap old video card.
The u19 stream was cool because you could hear all the coaches talking during the game. A basketball lesson within the game

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