Kyree Walker Transferring to Prep school

Shocking! As for the age debate reclassifying to class of 2019 puts an end to that. I still think MC will be good due to a solid group returning. Quite frankly Kids like walker don't belong in traditional HS or college for that matter.
Shocking! As for the age debate reclassifying to class of 2019 puts an end to that. I still think MC will be good due to a solid group returning. Quite frankly Kids like walker don't belong in traditional HS or college for that matter.
Where do they belong?
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Does this suggest older or younger and how. Not on either side, just see some leave early to strike while the iron's hot, others run out of cali eligibility. Which is implied in this case.
Where do they belong?

Prep schools like where he's at. The oak hills, montverde, Findlay preps... College do what Brandon Jennings did and play pro overseas 1 year.

I would put money on it that he is too old and reclassified due to age. Be interesting to see if he gets to 6"7 -6"8 range. He's closer to 6"5 than 6"6.
Prep schools like where he's at. The oak hills, montverde, Findlay preps... College do what Brandon Jennings did and play pro overseas 1 year.

I would put money on it that he is too old and reclassified due to age. Be interesting to see if he gets to 6"7 -6"8 range. He's closer to 6"5 than 6"6.

Prep Schools are not subject to high school regulations so there is no reason to reclassify due to age (ie-no such thing as "too old").

More than likely, it is the disparity in academic requirements to be in compliance with NCAA standards that is driving the transfer and reclassification (along with the obvious much higher level of basketball development and competition).

MC is a great school but the amount of credits necessary to be in compliance with NCAA standards is MUCH less than needed to graduate from MC (and HS in CA). In all likelihood, no public or private HS in the greater Bay Area would allow a student to graduate with only the NCAA standards (a prep school will).
MC is a great school but the amount of credits necessary to be in compliance with NCAA standards is MUCH less than needed to graduate from MC (and HS in CA). In all likelihood, no public or private HS in the greater Bay Area would allow a student to graduate with only the NCAA standards (a prep school will).

And this is a good thing for any kid? Lousy reasoning and lays a terrible foundation for anyone.
And this is a good thing for any kid? Lousy reasoning and lays a terrible foundation for anyone.

Agreed, but don't blame the high school and.or, most importantly, the student-athlete, the NCAA came up with the updated educational requirements.

Fundamentally, these elite basketball players are only doing what elite tennis players and golfers have been doing for decades.

The unfortunate issue is no one complains when an elite tennis player or golfer "leaves" a HS but "watch out!!" when a basketball player does it.
when is the last time anybody around here has left for golf and tennis? Nobody cares anyway and that is such an individualistic sport like swimming it really is a poor comparison. I just laugh when these fathers hold schools hostages for a coaching job if my kid plays there. Nice message.
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And this is a good thing for any kid? Lousy reasoning and lays a terrible foundation for anyone.

I hate defending the NCAA (awful organization stealing from athletes) but most of the kids headed to Prep Schools are serious athletes with Division I scholarships in the future.

The facts are the NCAA is not even considering the grades derived in the classes outside the "core" (other than for graduation) and have increased the required GPA markedly to be able to play the first year.

A Prep School provides both the elite basketball development and competition as well as the ability to focus academically on only the "core" classwork.
Anybody shocked? Snake Oil salesman. Moreau Catholic is a fine school. Why leave for that?
Anybody shocked? Snake Oil salesman. Moreau Catholic is a fine school. Why leave for that?
I've had the opportunity to spend time at some of these programs. I will tell you this, it takes about 5 min to separate the good people from the bad.
Anybody shocked? Snake Oil salesman. Moreau Catholic is a fine school. Why leave for that?
Obviously there were other issues. California is strict when it comes to re-classing (changing grades).There are a few states where kids can still be held back and be 15 or 16 years old in the 8th grade. On the flip side, if you are older, it is next to impossible to start playing sports and then decide at the end of the year to "class-up".

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