Anyone other than me think this is kind of a slap in the face to SF City College???? National Titles and More history was trumped maybe by the name Oakland.
From what I understand, CCSF was asked but turned it down.Anyone other than me think this is kind of a slap in the face to SF City College???? National Titles and More history was trumped maybe by the name Oakland.
Anyone other than me think this is kind of a slap in the face to SF City College???? National Titles and More history was trumped maybe by the name Oakland.
Not sure I’d want to jump at the chance to be featured. Yes they have showcased some top level JC programs. But really it is more of a depressing show imo. Some of the locations look absolutely terrible. And some of the student-athletes look almost illiterate and seem to be way out of their element academically even at the Juco level.
The coaches are the stars of the show, but I just don’t know if John Beam will be the entertainment factor that a Buddy Stephens is. Maybe that will actually work out in a positive way, I just don’t think of a Laney is a last chance type of place. Scooba Mississippi, yeah last chance or you followed the road sign to almost hell. A lot of emphasis on failures, which I get, it’s why it’s last chance U. Just not sure Laney fits the same profile.
I guess my question would be what makes Laney so much different than any other JC program. Seems more than just a little elitist to think they are somehow superior.
Not sure I’d want to jump at the chance to be featured. Yes they have showcased some top level JC programs. But really it is more of a depressing show imo. Some of the locations look absolutely terrible. And some of the student-athletes look almost illiterate and seem to be way out of their element academically even at the Juco level.
The coaches are the stars of the show, but I just don’t know if John Beam will be the entertainment factor that a Buddy Stephens is. Maybe that will actually work out in a positive way, I just don’t think of a Laney is a last chance type of place. Scooba Mississippi, yeah last chance or you followed the road sign to almost hell. A lot of emphasis on failures, which I get, it’s why it’s last chance U. Just not sure Laney fits the same profile.
Have you watched the show? My point was the previous coaches/programs come off as dooshes (albeit successful so in the end can’t knock them to
I much) but Beam and the Laney program doesn’t seem to project that image.