A case could certainly be made for Dangerfield -- it was a year with a lot of very good players but no transcendent ones.
The games-played issue is always a tricky one. At what point does a player qualify, or not qualify, for postseason awards? I think we'd all agree that nine games played out of 30 or so wouldn't be enough, and we'd all agree that 27 would be plenty. But what about Odom, who's right in the middle? Higgins played every game, and I would agree that fully healthy Odom is probably better, but what's the value of those nine games? Same argument goes on at all levels.
As for Weitz, Tom was Coach of the Year last year, and Self-Morgan was the year before that. It doesn't seem right to give that kind of award to the same person more than once -- there are a lot of very good high school coaches.
Now if Miramonte beats Chaminade, Kelly would have been a pretty good pick, but that didn't happen.
It's always an interesting process to come up with these picks and these lists -- and there's really no right answer given the sheer number of teams and players, and the lack of consensus (in games played, say) as to the criteria.