Having watched at least 5 college games over the past 6 weeks and the teams below at least 2-3 times each, here is my brief musing analysis:
The following teams are amazing, explosive, super exciting and worth the money:
Clayton Valley with a highly skilled Boston bound star and lots of amazing scorers. Tell me why most of these kids have no offers even at the D2 or D3 level but for Boston and Sonoma bound players?
Heritage with some of the most skilled talents led by Jonathan Ned (clearly a D1 athlete) and Ezra (potential D1) after additional training and improvement on his jump shot. Again, why does Ned not have at least 5 offers right about now?
Dublin High with a 4star sophomore Beadsley and a solid senior Jackson (potential D1 player) and a few good scorers.
These are the most exciting teams to watch. Don’t waste your money on college and pro teams. These teams are more entertaining.
The following teams are amazing, explosive, super exciting and worth the money:
Clayton Valley with a highly skilled Boston bound star and lots of amazing scorers. Tell me why most of these kids have no offers even at the D2 or D3 level but for Boston and Sonoma bound players?
Heritage with some of the most skilled talents led by Jonathan Ned (clearly a D1 athlete) and Ezra (potential D1) after additional training and improvement on his jump shot. Again, why does Ned not have at least 5 offers right about now?
Dublin High with a 4star sophomore Beadsley and a solid senior Jackson (potential D1 player) and a few good scorers.
These are the most exciting teams to watch. Don’t waste your money on college and pro teams. These teams are more entertaining.