Most underatded coach in Bay Area


Gold Member
Dec 15, 2010
What Coach Zaleya has done at mission over the last 10 years has been as impressive run as any over the last ten years. The obstacles are tremendous, yet he and his players get results.
gentrification has changed the city forever, Especially in the basketball world.
His players play with discipline, passion and enthusiasm all traits if their coach.
Always a pleasure to watch him coach and his team play!
They had a chance to blow out San Marin, but made some sloppy mistakes in the fourth.
Beautiful basketball in the first, making the extra pass for the best shot.
Coach Zelaya does a great job at Mission, but it is a benefit when they have the athletes year in and year out compared to other AAA schools. The SF Rebels pipeline has also benefited Mission. Similar to the Champions program with SI and the Mission Rec program When Harrigan was at SHC.

Their style of play is something other teams outside the AAA do not see which is a benefit to Mission as well. But it's the results that count and what Zelaya has been able to do the last 9 years has been tremendous.
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He has done a really good job and as we all know winning attracts good players to the program which helps. Gotta have players in order to win and be successful. If you're a basketball player Mission is always the first choice now for those kids. Good luck to them and I hope we get to see the SI matchup next week.
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