Oakland Rebels Tournament notes

Streak One

Hall of Famer
Nov 11, 2003
Splash City Esface won the 17s title with Bishop O'Dowd 2019 guard Will Chavarin winning MVP honors.

Arsenal 16s Elite won the 16s division. Cole Kastner (Menlo) and Jhaylon Martinez (Vanden) were the top two scorers in the championship win over SF Rebels

Team Lillard 15s beat Arsenal to win the 15U title.
I heard it was an assistant coach trying to fight one of the parents from his own team. That’s not a good look. Wasn’t there to see for myself but from what I heard the coach got out of hand. We have to remember as a coach all eyes in the gym are in you. You are scrutinized. Magnified. Especially when you coach an elite team. Got to do better Arsenal staff.

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