Rodriguez forfeited late 3rd quarter to Wood?


Nov 24, 2014
What exactly happened that Rod forfeited prior to the end of game? Were there mass injuries? What's the story? Hate to see our youths mentors not teach them to see things through. Surely there are extigent circumstances. Anybody know what happened?
Was at the game and there was no forfeit. There was apparently and agreement between the coaches to have a running clock all of the third and fourth quarters. That is the only way you can have a running clock before the fourth quarter. Game started late around 8 pm due to senior night which included band, football and a host of others. Because of the rapid clock Wood only had two possession in the entire second half which was fine with them, this game was decided by the end of the first half. The refs kept the time on the field in the second half due to the scoreboard malfunction.
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