The young man you all are referring to is dj. Amazingly nice young man who has tremendous athletic ability. Played a lot of basketball and was quick on his feet. A "big man" who liked to to dribble and work on his handles by driving to the lane(posting up was boring to him because no one could stop him from getting position). I also had the chance to work with him academically as well so i know he had a lil work left to do this year before being elgible. So happy that he stayed with it and caught up! Most that i work with in his position tend to give up. Good job to him and the cc staff!! I hope he continues to do well, he really was one of my favorite students on campus. Big kid who never used his size to intimidate others, was a role model, and was an "all around" nice young man that we all liked and enjoyed being around. Im truly suprised coach taylor got him to play football. He honestly didnt like it that much, because his true passion is music.