West Coast Jamboree 2016


Hall of Famer
Jun 25, 2001
I know it's early, but we already have 20 teams that have submitted applications or have said that they will in the near future.

We do not plan on going beyond 128 teams, as we want to be able to run the tournament well given our limited administrative resources and access to sites, so if you're interested in playing this year, please fill out an application as soon as possible.

The dates will be Dec. 28-30, and we don't anticipate major changes in our sites or host hotels -- but you never know.
Simple....If you don't get LBP and SMS ,,,,the WCJ will be a waste of time.
It's up to the schools and coaches themselves to sign on. They are all well aware of the tourney. The onus is on them.
It's always an interesting process ... some coaches like familiarity and doing pretty much the same thing every year. Others like to change it up; others like a rotation.

We tend to get Long Beach Poly every few years, and the same with Mater Dei. Sometimes we get elite out-of-state teams (Riverdale Baptist of Maryland is very interested for next year), and sometimes we don't.

When a team is really good, as SMS has been recently, they get offered a chance to play and travel for free, and sometimes, for example the trip to Hawaii many teams have taken, all you have to do is get there and the rest is covered. We can't really compete with that, so whether SMS or Miramonte or O'Dowd or whoever comes is really out of our hands. (I know if someone offered me an all-expenses paid trip for my team for a tournament, I'd be pretty hard-pressed to turn it down to play somewhere I can play any time I want.)

Hopefully, we'll have a really good Platinum bracket that will draw fans and get some media attention, but if we don't get those kinds of teams, the tournament will still go on. And even at the lower levels, we know a lot of teams will come one year and then go somewhere else the next -- it's all good. I think we'll get our 128 pretty quickly this year, and hopefully the event will run smoothly. That's pretty much all we can ask for ...

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