Any scores today from St. Mary's

Lincoln Stockton beat Enterprise 77-54.
Mitty beat Sacramento 54-46.
SMS 20 SC 8 after 1 quarter

SMS 54 SC 22 halftime

Sierra Canyon struggling big time against St. Mary's press. St. Mary's with many home court 3's. Decosta played limited time due to picking up a couple fouls in the early minutes of the 1st quarter.

This post was edited on 1/17 2:02 PM by bulldogmgc
Decosta picks up 2 more fouls in the 3rd. Cayton and Tudor with 15 pts thru 3 quarters. The two players were basically scoreless in the 3rd, as Sierra Canyon cuts the lead to 68-48 after 3 quarters of play. Burke for Sierra Canyon with 21 points to lead all scorers thru 3.
Sierra Canyon made adjustments at halftime and breaking SMS's press and hitting 3's of their own. Score is SMS 79 SC 68 with 2:58 left in the game. Tudor and Cayton still stuck at 15 a piece. Score now 79-70 with just over 2 min left.
Tudor hits 1 of 2 free throws and Decosta fouls out as the teams scramble for the rebound. Score is 82-74 with 59.1 sec left. Cayton at the line and misses both FT's. Both teams trade 3's as time expires. Final SMS 85 SC 77.
MD 29 MM 8
Big from MD taking
MM apart
MD playing at extremely high level
Half MD playing the game with
A huge BB IQ
Clearly not the most talented
Team I have seen today
But plays the game
At the highest level seen today
SQ frustrated just
Was taken out MM
Getting embarassed
MM lucky they didn't
Play Brookside next
Week at Bently
it's easy to say after the fact, but I was thinking about 20. the only other time they've played a national-champion-caliber team, in 2009, they lost to SMS (who were about 2 seconds away from a national championship that year) by 19. this year's team isn't as good as that team. or last year's team. or next year"s team. hopefully they can learn some lessons from a whuppin. oh, final was 67-45.
I am huge Brookside fan
as I like underdogs...

maybe sometime in the near future
teams wont play MM because
of the same reasons MM wouldn't want to play
Brookside...funny how life works
I am huge Brookside fan
as I like underdogs...

maybe sometime in the near future
teams wont play MM because
of the same reasons MM wouldn't want to play
Brookside...funny how life works
Jazzpt55 you gotta give Velasco just a little more credit than just a glue kid.... She's pretty good and takes on more than a glue kid role for MD
These are really silly posts. Yes, Miramonte didn't come out well and Mater Dei took it to them in the first quarter. I thought Miramonte hung tough after that. In the end, it played out the way it is supposed to. Mater Dei is ranked No. 1 in the nation and Miramonte is one of the better teams in the state. Good matchup for both teams. It is what these showcases are about.
Jazz, you said the Miramonte team that played Saturday would have lost to Brookside by 10. Is that the same Brookside team that lost to Berkeley on Saturday, or were you thinking of a Brookside team from another day this season?
Mater Dei is the number 1 team in the nation people...... Mater Dei provides match up problems in so many different ways out there on the floor. Miramonte is a very good team, but don't match up to the level of a Mater Dei. its no knock on Miramonte, any team in northern california would have lost to them yesterday, YES i said any..... including SMS
I think SMS would have beaten MD because the are much faster in there press. It's about matchups MD scored because the could beat the much slower press of MM compared to SMS. The reason is SMS guards are so quick to the ball when its in the air and give teams no breathing room. So I think SMS has a good chance of beat MD and have no problem beating MM this year in the open.
According to luvthegame21 Brookside had play against 8 not 5 that's but to be so close that was great. But Ol'...layer you now how its just like try when a game at MM or Carondelet when the team not from the NCS. But I think Brookside probably bounce right back and run another 13 game in row that will take straight through the SJS D4 championship and to the Open or D4 Norcal Playoffs. I heard Berkley play a good game especial when have 8 on the court at one time. Who couldn't have a good with that and to only lose by 2 because of missed free throws that's not a bad loss. But what happen with MD up by 20 by the first half and work on there offence in the second half know the can win the game with easy. SMS vs MD would have been a better game to the end wont have time to work on new things and offence against them. I guess some people didn't see that MD ran a whole didn't offence in the second half. I guess its hard to beat good teams on a neutral court Ol'...layer 5 vs 5 not like at MM 5 vs 7 or 8!!!!!!!!!!!!! Looking at Maxprep Brookside only had 1 game so far this season. That pretty good for being a road team 13-2. Hopeful these 2 teams can meet up in the open in the first round but I doubt it!!!!!!!!!!!! Good Game Berkley!!!!!!!
Baller, with complete sincerity, I have been impressed with BC's swift ascent in the MaxPreps rankings. Although I have not seen BC play, I have watched Berkeley a couple times, and see that they have a lot to work on. Thus, I was very surprised that Berkeley was able to win at a neutral site. I assumed McDonald could handle that team all by herself.
According to a few people I talk to the game was one side but they had to play through it. But I know it hard to play when you are getting touch fouls call against you and other team knocking players to the floor with no calls at all. Odds that night was against Brookside but the battle to lose only by 2. But enough about that its about placement at the end of the year. Will Brookside go to the Open or D4 in Norcal. I wish there was some film out I could see the game for myself.
Complaining about officials as if they cared who won just invalidates any comments on a game.

How about giving Berkeley some credit? How about acknowledging the opponent?

Sure, refs can have bad games but please ... They were out to get Brookside Christian? Please ...

High school officials will have bad games but good teams play through it as best they can. Sometimes that's not good enough but whining after the fact reflects well on no one.

At the end of the day, the scoreboard doesn't lie.
>> Complaining about officials as if they cared who won just invalidates any comments on a game.

Well sure, that's the politically correct statement, and because you're a public persona on this board you have to play it that way.

Now I wasn't at the Berkeley vs BC game, so I can't comment on that. But I've taken out-of-town teams into San Francisco and Sacramento, and I can guarantee you that the referees are consistently biased. You have to be 10 - 12 points better than the home team in those situations, and the referees are always a bigger factor than the home fans or familiarity with court. Still don't believe me, ask your buddy KS how unbiased the referees were last month in Hawaii.

Not saying all games have biased referees, but to say it never happens is foolish.

X SouthBayHoopFan

While I totally agree with you some refs do cheat, you have to accept that as a part of the challenge. You have to keep a never quit attitude. If you can keep your cool under adverse circumstances you can" Win Anyway".

I think that what happen because Iluvthegame21 was talking about it and was there, Berkley was at home according NCS referees right NCS VS SJS. Clay know it true because everyone goes to the different sections and have issues. Plus it made next week match look good. But luvthegame21 said Brookside would beat them 9 out 10 games!!! And tell everyone taught Brookside would win but the odds was against they walk into the gym!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With that lost might take the surpise element out of the open!!!!!!!!!!

I'm definitely a rookie when it comes to NorCal Prep !!!!! But I do know basketball for you to make that statement CONFIRMS only my opinion that you yourself is bias !!!!! Your a coach ???? I guess all 3 referees had a bad day !!! So what your say is in all your years of coaching you never had a game when you felt the referees was not fair. ?????? If your going to keep the peace on this blog ...... Please be honest with your self and us !?!?!?
Just my opinion ........