Any scores today from St. Mary's

referees are assigned by association not by section. As a former head coach and current assistant coach you should know this. Quit blaming the loss on the referees. The TRUTH is that if you were still the coach at BC they would have won. Berkeley out played BC and the better team won. Don't give me this 9 out of 10 stuff. Berkeley is 1 for 1.
> You have to be 10 - 12 points better than the home team in those situations, and the referees are always a bigger factor than the home fans or familiarity with court.

Absolutely true. And if you don't play 10-12 points better, that's the way it goes. When they come to your gym, the same thing happens to them. And do you go on the board and point out how much the refs favored you? Or is it that the refs only favor the other teams, never yours?

Officials are human and are biased, at every level and in every sport. That's part of the game, like injuries or missed free throws or the clock not starting on time.

So complaining about getting homered is like complaining about the sun rising in the east -- really, you got homered a long way from home? Now that's a shock.

With every loss, then, let's just list the reasons why:

1) My second best player was dehydrated and missed the fourth quarter;

2) My best player's feet were hurting, and she was 4-17 from the field and 3-10 from the line;

3) My starting guard is out for the year;

4) Two girls play significant minutes who never played more than independent middle school basketball;

5) A girl made a half-court shot at the end of the third quarter in a close game;

6) The ref got in the way of a girl in a tie game late and she couldn't get a steal she otherwise would have had;

7) I gave a player bad instructions late in the game.

Or how about

The other team did what it needed to do to win the game, and we didn't.
>> Absolutely true, And if you don't play 10-12 points better, that's the way it goes.

I'm glad to see we are in agreement on this point after all. And I didn't encourage anyone to complain about referee bias, just pointed out that it happens, i.e. there are referees who care about the outcome of their game. And just to stir the pot a bit, I believe it happens more in some locations than others (did I already mention San Francisco and Sacramento?)
Or, how about: Geez, we lost to a better team. The refs? Sorry, they are what they are _ in every sport. Not just hoops. The whining is a waste of time, tired and pretty much the same old song. Can it.
St. Mary's HS 85 - 52 over La Jolla Country Day.

Tudor 15 pts Murray 13 pts DeCosta 11 pts Ariel Johnson 10 pts
Take away from SMS showcase was my MVP of both days is SMS coach for putting together a great environment to showcase elite teams and elite talent, bringing in top tier college programs to evaluate players stood out to me.

Watching a young Lincoln team for 2nd time on Monday just to many turnovers. They are young but the Lincoln coach needs to address the turnovers for them to a shot at going deep into the playoffs.

As I assumed SMS would come out for looking to run LJCD off the court. And they did! I sat behind LJCD bench purposely to hear how the coach would try to instruct her team how to adjust but they just could not execute the instruction vs SMS speed and relentess defense was too much. SMS game plan appeared to be defensively sufforcate and be unselfish in transition and the plan was executed. SMS emptied the benches in the 4th won by 30+.
Brookside's Parents are the real problem

Brookside's fans / Parents are very belligerent and an inexperience or sensitive referee could take it out on the kids. When Brookside played Antelope three of their parents got escorted out of the gym. Perhaps the problem is NOT the referees and it is definitely Not the young women of Brookside because they were very impressive in Antelopes only loss this year. The problem in my opinion is the out of control and disrespectful parents/fans that travel with the team. Perhaps if the parents acted more like role models for the super talented kids the inexperienced referee's would not punish the players.
Now lets be completely truthful when commenting on here. I am a parent for Brookside and I do the scorebook so I sit at the table and get to hear everything the refs say. It is true that 3 parents were asked to leave the gym...they were not escorted out, they walked out by themselves. The ref that kicked them out made comments early on in the game about be ready to kick the parents out, but at that point he was speaking about the 2 Antelope parents who jumped out of the stands and yelled curse words at the ref because their daughter was called for traveling. Perhaps those parents were spared the "boot" because the father is a fellow referee. In fact, the referee came to the score table and asked for the tournament director, who was sitting right behind the table in regards to the Antelope parents. When he kicked out the three BC parents, all one said was O M G...because our player was hammered right infront of the ref, the other parent yelled to call it both ways....I do not know what the third parent said but I do know that the tournament director told the ref that he was not kicking the parents out and the ref refused to continue the game, so the parents left on their own so the game could continue...the tournament director apologized to our parents and team the next day. If a parent can get kicked out for saying "O M G" and "call it both ways", then I guess parents better start bringing their walking shoes cuz they will be exiting every game. Lets be sure to post the entire story when making accusations. Unfortunately, for Antelope who played a great game, the exodus of the parents gave the Brookside players the momentum and motivation they needed at that moment to ball out the rest of the game...

In hoops,

This post was edited on 1/20 9:33 AM by szahniser

This post was edited on 1/20 9:36 AM by szahniser

This post was edited on 1/20 9:37 AM by szahniser

This post was edited on 1/20 9:38 AM by szahniser

True, but the difference is the Antelope parents did not get on the board and blame the loss on the ref's and it was a game that Antelope should have won. Many Antelope parents were disenchanted with some calls as most tough games go but to insinuate that the ref's are out to get you is nonsense, so stop. Antelope missed out on an opportunity to beat a very Good Brookside team, NO MORE NO LESS.
The person blaming the refs is NOT a Brookside parent. To keep it real, the refs called a lot of fouls on both sides, however towards the end of the game there was definitely some shady calls against Brookside...with that said, it should have never been that close, Brookside just had a bad game....the mistakes we made were unforced. We lost the game on our own....sometimes it just happens that way. We bounced back...It's all good!