Dublin beats Cardinal Newman today

I will bang my drum again: The best coach is the one who gives the girls who play for him the best experience in basketball. (Of course, the definition of "best experience" is the tricky part, but I'm not sure how much winning factors in ...)
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I will bang my drum again: The best coach is the one who gives the girls who play for him the best experience in basketball. (Of course, the definition of "best experience" is the tricky part, but I'm not sure how much winning factors in ...)

I think your drumbeat is on par with what a lot of people think, Clay. I think that after all is said and done, 10-15-20 years from now will a kid look back and remember the road trips, the close bond, and how hard your coach pushed to make you a better person? Thats the mark of a good coach.

There are also those who are fortunate enough to have that experience coupled with getting a lot of W's. I know you're a huge proponent of letting kids transfer to whatever school they think is best for them, but to me it robs others of that experience (in some cases). Some may think winning a state championship is better than anything else. Some emphasize getting amazing grades. In the end, coaching is about relationship building and if you've done a great job, you'll have kids contacting you after their experience is finished.
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Two things pop out when I think of this game. 1. It was actually newsworthy and a huge upset. 2. Never toot your own horn for the world to hear. Now it appears the train has slipped off of the tracks.
Two things pop out when I think of this game. 1. It was actually newsworthy and a huge upset. 2. Never toot your own horn for the world to hear. Now it appears the train has slipped off of the tracks.

When did dublin toot their horn and how has it slipped off the tracks?
Dublin going 0-3 is considered bad because the teams in the WCJ diamond bracket are not good. That’s mean his team fell of the track and has crashed

I thought playing strong and competitive teams will get you prepared for league and post season play. Do you have to go 12-0 in the preseason to be considered great or beat teams up by 40 and say your great
I apologize, I assumed four double digit losses in the last six game since beating CN qualified as coming off the tracks. After the CN win I had higher hopes. Perhaps the tough schedule will serve them well in league play.
I have to take exception to the teams in the Diamond being "not good." Harvard Westlake is a pretty strong team, and so is El Cajon Christian. Esperanza has done well against good teams in SoCal, and Miramonte only lost to Carondelet by four.

That said, I don't think there were any great teams in the Diamond, but that's how it's supposed work -- the Platinum is supposed to have the top teams.
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I have to take exception to the teams in the Diamond being "not good." Harvard Westlake is a pretty strong team, and so is El Cajon Christian. Esperanza has done well against good teams in SoCal, and Miramonte only lost to Carondelet by four.

That said, I don't think there were any great teams in the Diamond, but that's how it's supposed work -- the Platinum is supposed to have the top teams.

Although the grammar was a bit confusing, I do believe the writer was not trying to stipulate that the Diamond Division was bad. He or she didn't phrase well or clearly. But it seemed he or she was actually attempting to ask some sarcastic questions. In fact, the real inference seems to be that the Diamond was actually pretty good and those Dublin losses weren't all that bad in the larger picture. However, having seen Dublin several times, I must say they do have some horses. So an 0-3 mark last week was somewhat surprising, at least for this observer.
I apologize, I assumed four double digit losses in the last six game since beating CN qualified as coming off the tracks. After the CN win I had higher hopes. Perhaps the tough schedule will serve them well in league play.
That's what happens when you get on this board and celebrate to early. If they had been quiet about the win nobody would have said anything about it and we would not be having this conversation now lol
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Although the grammar was a bit confusing, I do believe the writer was not trying to stipulate that the Diamond Division was bad. He or she didn't phrase well or clearly. But it seemed he or she was actually attempting to ask some sarcastic questions. In fact, the real inference seems to be that the Diamond was actually pretty good and those Dublin losses weren't all that bad in the larger picture. However, having seen Dublin several times, I must say they do have some horses. So an 0-3 mark last week was somewhat surprising, at least for this observer.
How has Finau played this year?
That's what happens when you get on this board and celebrate to early. If they had been quiet about the win nobody would have said anything about it and we would not be having this conversation now lol

Actually I think now with the skid it looks even more shocking that they were able to pull off the upset over CN. That was probably why many of us were surprised, and yet somewhat happy for them to get such a big win. Hopefully they get back in the win column during league play. Because you know what I always say, it's easier to beat tough league teams you know how to game plan for, than beating teams you really don't know much about.
Although the grammar was a bit confusing, I do believe the writer was not trying to stipulate that the Diamond Division was bad. He or she didn't phrase well or clearly. But it seemed he or she was actually attempting to ask some sarcastic questions. In fact, the real inference seems to be that the Diamond was actually pretty good and those Dublin losses weren't all that bad in the larger picture. However, having seen Dublin several times, I must say they do have some horses. So an 0-3 mark last week was somewhat surprising, at least for this observer.

They do have some horses and it's mind boggling how they beat Newman and then lose 6 strait
Actually I think now with the skid it looks even more shocking that they were able to pull off the upset over CN. That was probably why many of us were surprised, and yet somewhat happy for them to get such a big win. Hopefully they get back in the win column during league play. Because you know what I always say, it's easier to beat tough league teams you know how to game plan for, than beating teams you really don't know much about.

It's one thing for us to be surprised and happy for them and another to post about it and celebrate with much of the season left to play. A big win for them for sure but now with the spot light on them, what have they done for us lately? Maybe CN took them lightly and didn't come to play which rarely happens for them but either way that can't "shouldn't be" the championship game of their season.
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How has Finau played this year?
She's probably scoring around 10 a game with some rebounds and assist. The games I've seen she's played ok. Nothing to crazy though. For them to beat some of these teams I think she needs to be at around 18+ a game with 10+ rebounds and have BIG games when need be.
A very well respected HS coach (in another sport) once told me that the hardest team to coach is that team right after a good run by a program because the kids following have a sense of entitlement without having actually accomplished anything. CN is a young team with only 1 senior and 1 other girl (choice) who have been part of the good run(over the last 3yrs).
This CN team is not as good as the previous few yrs and they cant afford to not respect or overlook an opponent....and they got caught napping. Dublin deserved to win the game, outplaying Newman on both ends of the court. It was a good win for Dublin and they had every right to celebrate it.

Cardinal Newman needs to bring their focus EVERY game. The days of being able to sleepwalk in a game and still win by 20 are over. I'm not saying that this is something they did often, but it did happen a few times and they were able to do it because they were better than 99% of the teams. Not so much anymore.
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A very well respected HS coach (in another sport) once told me that the hardest team to coach is that team right after a good run by a program because the kids following have a sense of entitlement without having actually accomplished anything. CN is a young team with only 1 senior and 1 other girl (choice) who have been part of the good run(over the last 3yrs).
This CN team is not as good as the previous few yrs and they cant afford to not respect or overlook an opponent....and they got caught napping. Dublin deserved to win the game, outplaying Newman on both ends of the court. It was a good win for Dublin and they had every right to celebrate it.

Cardinal Newman needs to bring their focus EVERY game. The days of being able to sleepwalk in a game and still win by 20 are over. I'm not saying that this is something they did often, but it did happen a few times and they were able to do it because they were better than 99% of the teams. Not so much anymore.
Sleepwalk or tank? The new era of competitive equity.
The whole idea of tanking at this level makes little sense, and even more so once the game starts. Teams set themselves up for postseason by their schedule, but once the games begin, the best thing to do is win as many as you can.

You can say, "Oh, lose a couple to stay out of the Open," but then you lose one you didn't expect to and now you're the 12th seed in D-1, on the road for three straight games, and struggling to survive.
The whole idea of tanking at this level makes little sense, and even more so once the game starts. Teams set themselves up for postseason by their schedule, but once the games begin, the best thing to do is win as many as you can.

You can say, "Oh, lose a couple to stay out of the Open," but then you lose one you didn't expect to and now you're the 12th seed in D-1, on the road for three straight games, and struggling to survive.

I personally agree with the thought that there are teams and coaches that fear playing in the Open and try to set themselves up not to play in it. How they try to do it whether it's setting up the hardest schedule possible, praying they don't get selected, or tanking may all be the question case by case. Even teams that get a 24th seed in many cases think they have a better chance of winning a divisional title than an Open state title. So I'm sure those teams that are praying on not going to the Open don't mind suffering the seed they get. Because they feel any seed outside of the Open is a better seed than the highest seed in the Open. That is just my opinion. Based on the four years my daughter played at Clet. Based on the conversations I had with players, parents, and coaches not just from Clet but many of those I spoke to from other schools well. But again that is just my opinion. I could have totally misinterpreted their reactions. But I do doubt that. And that was always hard for me to understand, since I come from a belief system that any good well coached good team can beat any other good well coached team. And if your good enough to get selected into the Open, first it's an honor, and secondly I think you're probably good enough to pull off an upset. Even if it's the greatest long shot odds.
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One of the reasons for the creation of the Open Division in the first place was to try to quarantine the private/parochials away from the publics as much as possible at section/state tourney time. In theory, that should provide the publics with more opportunities for equitable competition and, perhaps, an extra banner or two. Nowhere is that more obvious than in the Central Coast Section where the WCAL and WBAL utterly dominate the girls' hoops landscape. In 2019, it's entirely possible that all eight CCS Open Division entries will be from those two very strong leagues. If a public is placed in the Open, that team will be essentially a sacrificial offering to a high-seed private/parochial (say hello to Pinewood or Mitty). Once again, it highlights the massive apples/oranges difference between the private/parochials and the publics.
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