FIGHT --- SPSV/Swett Game called - All out fist fight on field

It's a baseball fight for god sakes, that's an oxymoron. It's not like to was a hockey brawl? Not much to see here. Couple benches empty, few lame duck punches nothing happens. Knock it off kids and move on. No biggie at all.
It's a baseball fight for god sakes, that's an oxymoron. It's not like to was a hockey brawl? Not much to see here. Couple benches empty, few lame duck punches nothing happens. Knock it off kids and move on. No biggie at all.
Not to blow this up but article says some kid came away with missing teeth. Apparently, the video was basically after the main fight. Both teams were suspended for their league playoffs. Not sure when teenagers and adults fighting in the middle of a game became "no big deal."
Not to blow this up but article says some kid came away with missing teeth. Apparently, the video was basically after the main fight. Both teams were suspended for their league playoffs. Not sure when teenagers and adults fighting in the middle of a game became "no big deal."

The adults I agree is bush. Players? It's competing and part of the game. Not right or wrong, but It happens.
It's the way baseball is.
The adults I agree is bush. Players? It's competing and part of the game. Not right or wrong, but It happens.
It's the way baseball is.
Umm, I'm totally confused. Let's goes with the version that a kid had some teeth knocked out. Are you saying a fist fight in the middle of a game causing injuries requiring doctor visits is just "part of the game?" Interesting. Which league do you follow?
Umm, I'm totally confused. Let's goes with the version that a kid had some teeth knocked out. Are you saying a fist fight in the middle of a game causing injuries requiring doctor visits is just "part of the game?" Interesting. Which league do you follow?

I didn't say it was right, but it is part of the game, period. Anyone who has ever stepped on a field is aware of it. I played baseball 20 plus years. Had fights at all levels. I am not shocked when it happens. Again it saying it's right, but when it happens I'm not going think it's a huge deal (just like hockey, not shocked to see a hockey fight).
I didn't say it was right, but it is part of the game, period. Anyone who has ever stepped on a field is aware of it. I played baseball 20 plus years. Had fights at all levels. I am not shocked when it happens. Again it saying it's right, but when it happens I'm not going think it's a huge deal (just like hockey, not shocked to see a hockey fight).

Wow, just Wow!!!!!!!!

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