RIP Mike Leach

It has been eye opening to learn more about how much he impacted the game of football at the high school, college and pro levels and how much personal connection he had with people from many different walks of life.
It has been eye opening to learn more about how much he impacted the game of football at the high school, college and pro levels and how much personal connection he had with people from many different walks of life.
He was one of a kind streak. A real personality who made huge impact on the game.
1315.3 is a Coug. Roomies tutored many players. Leach would walk to school a few miles every day in Pullman, a quintessential small college town. Unlike the sideline reporters who have to keep up with him at the half to get a three word quote (or "we sucked") he engaged with students along the way.
A curmudgeon on the surface, but not to the locals.