Brown dismissed from San Jose St.

Life changing event for this young man. Very sad and disappointing. He had lots of talent and potential. Hanging around the wrong crowd. Lesson learned for all you young athletes. Got to learn when to separate yourself from childhood friends that are a negative influence
He got caught before he could rob ( or worse ) anyone else. Actually a good ending to this story.
How is punching a victim in a gang style robbery and then using his CC a good ending? What a bafoon. Hope that double double was tasty.
Very sad story. Hate to see kids/young adults get caught up in stuff like this. Hopefully their lives will be on a better path after this
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There is a line that is pretty easy to stay on the right side of and he clearly went over it. Nobody is perfect but I have little empathy for these sort of things.
So he and his buddies rob someone, drive less than 2 miles to In and Out and then use the credit card they stole to buy burgers? Genius!!! I would've at least driven to the In and Out on Lewelling!!

By the way, little birdy tells me they knew the victim....smh....
Word is he wasn't involved in this robbery and he was at the wrong place at the wrong time with his " friends". Court date set for today. Hopefully it is true for this young man. This is a prime example for any young athlete, sometimes you have to leave your "friends" behind, and move in he right direction.
Didn't Sj state drop him like a bad habit? They knew something to act so quickly. Ever hear about being accomplice?

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