Thank you Mike! That group of boys was the first I ever closely worked with, from our rec and park camps, to workouts in a church basement gym, to forming our own aau team and eventually going to bay city together. The memories from going out to eat and hanging out at your house as a team really reinforced the bonds of community that I have tried to carry into every team. I am extremely thankful for those early years together.Congratulations Coach Paul - this one was personally very special to me as Coach Paul invested a lot of time early in his coaching career in San Franciso teaching kids basketball fundamentals and one of his pupils was my then pre-teen son. Paul has coached in the Bay City AAU program for over 13 years and it was incredible seeing all the Bay City coaches behind the Int'l bench cheering them on. Lastly, the entire Int'l student body / community appeared to be there cheering them on and I know they'll all have memories that will last a lifetime.
Thank you Kiddman for the recap. What a legacy Conor, Willy, and the rest of these seniors have left us here at Intl. I’ll be forever proud of my guys win or lose, but this was truly special.The other DR star, Pullian, fouls out.
Final…. 71-52. Maguire ends up with 32-7-5. Quite a performance!
Beat my 12-point spread, too.
47-22 2nd half, my DVC math skills say…