David Perry is the new head coach at O’Dowd

Streak One

Hall of Famer
Nov 11, 2003
Big week for coaching news. O’Dowd is the wild card program in the East Bay so curious what the new regime can do.
Who is this guy? Teacher? Where did he come from
You’ve read the EB times link on the “Coaching Jobs” thread. It doesn’t appear he got the job sitting in the first pew.
It doesn’t??? Hmm... out of coaching then 2 years later handed a potential premier program. Who else was an option for the job. Maybe light on applucants
Wish all the best to coach Perry. From what I was told, the position does not come with a teaching position. They paid a full salary to Kaufman and Hardy the last two hires, and didn’t want to go that route. So instead of ponying you that kind of money or attach a teaching position to it, they decided to make it a stipend only position. I’m told that watered down the applicant pool. I’m sure some of the good up and coming coaches in the Bay Area were intrigued, but this would not make that job as appealing.

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