DLS news

AJ has been a college coach the last 10 years. He probably had aspirations to get back in the college game. Wins a NORCAL championship and he became a hot commodity.
Hot commodity? High school way different from college. He inherited that team, would have liked for him to stick around and coach some teams with not much talent and see what he can really do? Any ideas on who will be in line for head coaching job?
Would make the call to Jones from Mv or ashmore from Newark those are the two best
Coaches in the east bay and Watson who was at campo would be my third choice.
Very interesting turn of events. I think his wife stayed as a coach at Denver University when he left.

I'm not sure why any of the coaches listed above, besides Watson, would leave established programs they have had their hand in building.
Wife is golf coach at Denver. Kids are in Denver too. High school job not worth being away from family. Based on the high amount of unjust criticism he got last year during a very good season, don't think it is an attractive job for established coaches who are already appreciated at their programs. "Green Monster" fan base can be tough to navigate..... Only two guys they may not scrutinize are Phil Jackson or Popovich lol. Especially with the roster somewhat "down" this upcoming year, whomever takes over needs support and patience to get things going again.
If I were betting man, given time of year, would not be shocked if one of his assistants does not get the job. They have been very involved with the team during the summer.
I am shocked that AJ left his family in Denver to coach. He might want to go back to the college ranks. Russ Shibley is an experienced assistant with head coaching experience from his days at Acalanes. I wonder if Scooter Barry would be an option this time. I'm sure it will be someone that played at Dela.
If I were betting man, given time of year, would not be shocked if one of his assistants does not get the job. They have been very involved with the team during the summer.

Scheibley has prior HC experience at Acalanes, but left there after a very successful season when the parents turned against him and complained to the district. Not sure DLS would be the best place for him given the younger Allocco's recent dismissal as JV coach for similar reasons. Driscoll has been an assistant at SRV, once played at St. Mary's and has a kid in the DLS program. Either could probably handle the job given the talent base they get at that school, but I would be surprised if they didn't open it up to other applicants such as who had been been considered during last year's search.
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Even at this late date (not sure when California actually starts back to school) I would think a job of this stature would open it up at least state wide if not nation wide. Should be interesting. Fun stuff.
any news on who the next coach will be at DLS?

i am with Doodie. Kuhle did a nice job last year. Not easy taking over a team with high expectations. However, the DLS administration should have seen his coming. Family staying in Denver, etc. Although, the Spartans lost their two best playeres they have a very good experienced group coming back. I am sure they are the early favorite to win the revamped EBAL and make a deep run in NCS.
As you all no doubt know, the perfect fit for DLS coaches across the bay in San Mateo. If ever a man matched the mission, it would be Chuck Rapp over at Serra. But the very idea of Rapp leaving his alma mater for another Bay Area prep post is utter heresy. I think.
What is Richard Morton doing? He did a nice job at Deer Valley!! He got a bad deal at DV. He would be a nice fit at DLS... IMHO
Richard Morton would be a nice pick up for Dela. He coached two division one players but some discipline to a school that lacks discipline in all sport.
Kuhle did a nice job? Anyone of us could have coached that team to a league title, north coast championship and a norcal birth. I saw a decent amount of there games and I saw nothing that impressed me with Kuhle. DLS made it's name by defense and this team lacked that all year long. They were a bunch of kids during warm ups and pre-game shoot arounds, everyone dunking, shooting half court shots, screwing around & none of which would have happened under Allocco's watch. DLS was spoiled with one of the best coaches in the area and one of the nicest guys off the court in Allocco. The athletic department, administration & the athletic director (I think Lopoz), screwed this up from the get go and it was a bad hire in my opinion. Bad college assistant coaches make for a bad high school hire. Lopoz should have hired Jones from Monte Vista, Watson from Campolindo or Mellis from Salesian, that would have been the best thing that program could have done but instead, this is what you have. I am sure not to many of us are sad to see what's been going on here and let's hope it continues but for the kids and players, let's hope this problem gets solved.
Kuhle did a nice job? Anyone of us could have coached that team to a league title, north coast championship and a norcal birth. I saw a decent amount of there games and I saw nothing that impressed me with Kuhle. DLS made it's name by defense and this team lacked that all year long. They were a bunch of kids during warm ups and pre-game shoot arounds, everyone dunking, shooting half court shots, screwing around & none of which would have happened under Allocco's watch. DLS was spoiled with one of the best coaches in the area and one of the nicest guys off the court in Allocco. The athletic department, administration & the athletic director (I think Lopoz), screwed this up from the get go and it was a bad hire in my opinion. Bad college assistant coaches make for a bad high school hire. Lopoz should have hired Jones from Monte Vista, Watson from Campolindo or Mellis from Salesian, that would have been the best thing that program could have done but instead, this is what you have. I am sure not to many of us are sad to see what's been going on here and let's hope it continues but for the kids and players, let's hope this problem gets solved.

I didn't watch DLS this year but I will watch some games online eventually. You are correct in their staple being their defense, but incorrect in saying Allocco is one of the best in the area, he is one of the best in the country and I have watched a ton of them. Idk much about Watson, but Jones & Mellis would be great picks for any high school anywhere. Not saying Watson wouldn't be I just haven't had the pleasure of watching any of his teams play.
Kuhle did a nice job? Anyone of us could have coached that team to a league title, north coast championship and a norcal birth. I saw a decent amount of there games and I saw nothing that impressed me with Kuhle. DLS made it's name by defense and this team lacked that all year long. They were a bunch of kids during warm ups and pre-game shoot arounds, everyone dunking, shooting half court shots, screwing around & none of which would have happened under Allocco's watch. DLS was spoiled with one of the best coaches in the area and one of the nicest guys off the court in Allocco. The athletic department, administration & the athletic director (I think Lopoz), screwed this up from the get go and it was a bad hire in my opinion. Bad college assistant coaches make for a bad high school hire. Lopoz should have hired Jones from Monte Vista, Watson from Campolindo or Mellis from Salesian, that would have been the best thing that program could have done but instead, this is what you have. I am sure not to many of us are sad to see what's been going on here and let's hope it continues but for the kids and players, let's hope this problem gets solved.

First time poster. I usually read other people's comments on here but tend to stay out of the discussion but I was compelled to response to Realistic Parent post. I think it is easy to say "Anyone of us could have coached that team to a league title etc," from the outside looking in. There is a lot more that goes into coaching a championship team beyond talent. Keep in mind in the last couple of years DLS had a lot more talented roster with better defensive players but could not make it very far in the playoffs.

What this year's team had was a lot of chemistry. The kids played more freely with a bit more leeway and not afraid to make a mistake and be taken out of the game. What you saw in games as kids screwing around, the kids saw as having a little fun playing the game of basketball. The kids hang out together a lot more than usual outside of basketball. On travel trips, they spent more time together than usual. This was not the Coach asking them to spend time together, this was the kids enjoying being around each other and that showed in their games. Not taking any thing away from Allocco, great Coach and ran a tight ship. Maybe the team would have had the same results with Allocco as Coach, no one knows but to say Kuhle was a bad hire is not even close.

Every Coach has their own style and kids respond differently to different coaches. The fact that you have the talents on your roster does not guarantee you nothing. You still have to coach and build a unified and cohesive team that can play together and win together. Give Kuhle his credit, he did a hell of a job, they just ran into a better team in Chino, if not we would be talking about a Coach who helped win another championship for DLS
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If you thought the parents at shc was a problem I don't think he would want any part of
Spartan nation.
Why not do everything you can to bring back coach Allocco? He is the best you will get, why would you not be knocking at his door? He is not on staff at USF anymore. If I was president of school I would be begging for him to come back! It only makes sense.
DLS make it happen, suck it up and treat the man with the respect he is earned and get off your egotist horse. You will not get a better coach then him, he still lives in area and still can coach and can put a staff together over night.
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First time poster. I usually read other people's comments on here but tend to stay out of the discussion but I was compelled to response to Realistic Parent post. I think it is easy to say "Anyone of us could have coached that team to a league title etc," from the outside looking in. There is a lot more that goes into coaching a championship team beyond talent. Keep in mind in the last couple of years DLS had a lot more talented roster with better defensive players but could not make it very far in the playoffs.

Not taking any thing away from Allocco, great Coach and ran a tight ship. Maybe the team would have had the same results with Allocco as Coach, no one knows but to say Kuhle was a bad hire is not even close.

While I agree with most of your post, I don't agree that "the last couple of years DLS had a lot more talented roster with better defensive players". There had been great anticipation about last season when that class became seniors. This was the most talent they had on one team in years. When Pitts was a senior, they had a great roster, but many of them were freshman. AJ inherited a great array of talent, and made the most of it, coming within 2 quarters of winning the state championship before that 2nd half collapse when the dam finally burst. However, I don't think DLS was counting on him only being there for one year. It was a good hire for last season, but now that they are looking for another coach, I'm sure there is a feeling they maybe should have hired someone else.
Why not do everything you can to bring back coach Allocco? He is the best you will get, why would you not be knocking at his door? He is not on staff at USF anymore. If I was president of school I would be begging for him to come back! It only makes sense.
DLS make it happen, suck it up and treat the man with the respect he is earned and get off your egotist horse. You will not get a better coach then him, he still lives in area and still can coach and can put a staff together over night.

That might be more easily said than done. I agree that Frank is a great coach and they would be hard pressed to find a better or similar coach. However, there was some bad blood between Frank and the administration and it had been rumored since Frankie Jr. was let go that Frank would leave. Thus, it was no surprise when he left for USF. I would love to see him come back, but I suspect that horse has already left the barn.
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Maybe, but they need to do what is best for the kids not their high horses that they ride on. If winning is what they want you hire the best coach. I do not know what happen with son. If my kid was there I would want Frank back.
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Maybe, but they need to do what is best for the kids not their high horses that they ride on. If winning is what they want you hire the best coach. I do not know what happen with son. If my kid was there I would want Frank back.

I totally agree, but have just heard it is more complicated than just trying to clear the air and offering him the job back. Their best chance to keep this team among the elites in NorCal is to get him back on board. Without him, they will still be very good most years.
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I didn't watch DLS this year but I will watch some games online eventually. You are correct in their staple being their defense, but incorrect in saying Allocco is one of the best in the area, he is one of the best in the country and I have watched a ton of them. Idk much about Watson, but Jones & Mellis would be great picks for any high school anywhere. Not saying Watson wouldn't be I just haven't had the pleasure of watching any of his teams play.

I must say I found a few games Watson coached a couple of years ago and watched some of it and was thoroughly impressed. Good offensive concepts and outstanding defense. He would be a good choice as would Jones and Mellis.
He would be a very good choice and having dealt with campo parents already he would
Be able to make it work there if he was interested.
Realistic, all great coaches and I would add Ashmore into the mix. Barbour never really impressed me and he always had talent. DLS needs a 10 year guy, someone like Allocco, that isn't always looking for the next best thing. Powers at Monte Vista would have been great before he took the girls job, Costello at Dublin is another long time coach with a great record, Drew Torres at Freedom would be another great choice, he has done amazing things at Antioch and Freedom and could take them to the next level. I agree with Realistic, Lopoz is and has screwed this up from the get go, hiring AJ was a mistake and I heard there were some great coaches that put there names in it and were not even called back. Aliotti should have taken over when Edison stepped down and if Edison was still there, DLS wouldn't be in the place it is now.
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2 months away from start of season and still no coach announced? Either they do not have anyone or they are taking their time! And time you do not have. I think if they are waiting for one of there own. They better start looking else where