if you were happy with just a degree and a happy experience that’s fantastic I’m happy for you but to insinuate others should be satisfied with the same is just naive.
People are smarter these days. They realize that the cost of a scholarship doesn't come close to being a good trade for a piece of the $$$ these athletes help generate for the university/conference/NCAA during their tenure.
I'm already on record with my idea of a mandatory trust account for the $$$ the student athletes are able to make off their likeness, merchandise, whatever. I also believe they should receive a piece of the TV, media, ticket revenue they help to generate. And I'd also support these student-athletes having to pay back their scholarships should they earn enough during their tenure at the university to warrant it.
I don't believe anybody wants to see these kids driving around Lamborghini's while in school nor lacking motivation to go to class because they have already earned a ton of $$$. Hence my idea of a mandatory trust that only pays out a small amount each month for additional cost of living and entertainment expenses. The remainder to be paid out upon graduation, declaring pro, or via medical waiver. If that amount exceeds a certain reasonable threshold -- then the athlete is required to pay back the cost of the scholarship. Something along those lines.
So the high profile athletes such as Zion Williamson or even Tiger Woods back in the day that end up being able to land major endorsement deals while in college would end up paying it back while lesser known student-athletes that weren't able to generate the same $$$ get a free education while also securing a little bit extra cash to begin their after graduation career. After all, it's not always easy or a given to land a high paying job right out of college.
Who knows, perhaps some of those kids would start up a business with whatever $$$ they had paid out to them. That wouldn't be such a bad thing, would it?
All I know is I'd rather see some of that $$$ in the kids hands upon graduation than in the hands of the slimy fat cats that are gravy training the kids.