Grant cleaning house?

From my understanding if the HC is on campus he doesnt need to put his coaches on year to year.
Looks like everyone but HC is an open position at all levels.

JV Head coach is posted on there as well.

I wonder if they are just posted because they are year to year contracts like someone mentioned. Coach AL doesn't teach anymore right? So he wouldn't be considered on campus, so that makes some sense.
Assistants typically have to apply year by year if off campus. On campus have preference if qualified. Teacher contract.
Im not sure whats going on with my pacers but this seems unusal to me. My company post open positions on edjoin all the time and ive never seen this many coaching position from one school being opened. Ill reach out to al in a few weeks and see whats going on. Ill give him a few weeks to enjoy his family first. The jv coach, coach dutra was my jv coach and has been with the program for a long time so im suprised he is leaving. To me the program has not been the same especially on the line of scrimmage since coach lynn reed stepped down. Harris leaving was another big impact on the defensive side of the ball. Remove them and thats why we see the pacers are giving up so many points each year. If al is cleaning ship, im curious to see the impact it has on the community because a lot of people like the assistant coaches and feel al needs to spend more time with his family, a nicer way to put he needs to step down. Honestly not sure what to make of it right now, tough times for my pacer nation for sure.
I’m not sure if grant is cleaning house or coaches are just quitting. Grant has a lot of coaching turnover because people don’t like to work with coach al. You can spend all week coaching and putting in a game plan til the day of the game and al scraps the game plan. Everybody but AL wants al to step down. He has a stadium and anc street names after him he brought a open state title to Sacramento he put the spotlight on Sacramento football hell he jumped started folsoms dominance. It’s timr for him to just let go. We fear that he seen how good our 14u team is and that might make him stay a little longer
The quickest way to get Al off the sidelines. Stop sending your kids to Grant. Send them to Inderkum and Capital. When the numbers dwindle around 15-20 players, Al will finally step down as coach. When theres not enough players to coach, he will leave.

I dont see the community ever doing this. Lol Parents are still sending their kids to play for him.
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