
Sports Fanatic
Gold Member
Jan 28, 2002
I have a somewhat different perspective on " ARCO" Although after you read some of my own criticisms about the place you may wonder why I even brought this up.

I did like the easy parking. When you finish paying the 50$ bill for two days this weekend you may have softer feelings about the old girl.

As for the food at Arco. Let's just say the old gal couldn't boil water. It was always a struggle smuggling edible food in. My tailor made a special coat, with hot and cold linings just for this purpose.

One of the old gals indiscretions was, she just didn't cover up her upper bodice.
I do remember when Modesto Christian filled up the upper tier and that might have been the only time she showed some discretion.

She always made the kids feel welcome and special, like any Grandma would.

From her porch I could see far and wide, and had good site lines for the action in front of me.
So my dear-
Thanks for the great hoops
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Ha ha.... What about those comfy blue and red seats? ouch.... Parking was easy and cheaper.
Jkidd filled it against MD back in 1992. But they finally got smart and put curtains up on the upper deck so the lower bowl was usually pretty full.

But the games and memories will last a lifetime at Arco. Personally one of my favorites was Foothill (sac) victory in either D2 or D3. I can't recall but the energy in that building for that game was incredible.
I have a somewhat different perspective on " ARCO" Although after you read some of my own criticisms about the place you may wonder why I even brought this up.

I did like the easy parking. When you finish paying the 50$ bill for two days this weekend you may have softer feelings about the old girl.

As for the food at Arco. Let's just say the old gal couldn't boil water. It was always a struggle smuggling edible food in. My tailor made a special coat, with hot and cold linings just for this purpose.

One of the old gals indiscretions was, she just didn't cover up her upper bodice.
I do remember when Modesto Christian filled up the upper tier and that might have been the only time she showed some discretion.

She always made the kids feel welcome and special, like any Grandma would.

From her porch I could see far and wide, and had good site lines for the action in front of me.
So my dear-
Thanks for the great hoops
Good post. Although a few small corrections involving the new G1 Center. Parking really isn't more expensive, although it depends on where you park (street, lot, location). The food is about the same price as Arco, although 100 times better, way more options, and locally sourced. The open feel of the place strikes energy in you from the second you walk in. I am excited to see how the feel of HS hoops will be in this new gem.

In the few times I have been to G1 already, I actually had an easier time finding parking, and getting in and out, than the old Arco, believe it or not.
Arco needs to be nuked. Seriously when is it coming down? Never seen a 2 person line in the snack bar take 10 minutes. Reminded me of a cold , damp warehouse. It was no treat to play there even for HS kids. G1 center is flrst class. There isn't one negative thing I can say about it.
I have a somewhat different perspective on " ARCO" Although after you read some of my own criticisms about the place you may wonder why I even brought this up.

I did like the easy parking. When you finish paying the 50$ bill for two days this weekend you may have softer feelings about the old girl.

As for the food at Arco. Let's just say the old gal couldn't boil water. It was always a struggle smuggling edible food in. My tailor made a special coat, with hot and cold linings just for this purpose.

One of the old gals indiscretions was, she just didn't cover up her upper bodice.
I do remember when Modesto Christian filled up the upper tier and that might have been the only time she showed some discretion.

She always made the kids feel welcome and special, like any Grandma would.

From her porch I could see far and wide, and had good site lines for the action in front of me.
So my dear-
Thanks for the great hoops

I miss Arco too
Was just there last night for the NCAA games. Found $10 parking 3 short blocks away at the large lot between G1 and Old Sac. Easy stroll to and from the game and a breeze to get out of afterward. I can't imagine they would charge more for HS games than the NCAA games. And inside the arena it is beautiful and wide open. Arco in its best days didn't even compare with this place.
Arco Barn was horrrrrrrible.

Lousy, lousy, lousy viewing angles (Come on, ya hafta be 75 feet away from the court to get your eyes rim-high?).
Cheap plastic seats... Lousy food... Expensive, too... At least they had Mountain Dew... For 8 bucks...
Easy to park, sure... But who wants to go there?

Now I'm not sure Golden 1 is exactly right for high-school either, but it's GOT to better than Sleep Barn... Looking forward to seeing it this week!

Cal was farrrrr better, despite the difficult parking. Wouldn't mind seeing the state finals at UOP or Stanford, either, but at 6-7,000 seats those might be on the borderline of too small to host a state title game series... From what I remember, Selland Arena in Fresneck is nice... But it's been years and years since I was in there.

Cal was just the right size, and intimate as heck. 11,000 seats and even the worst seats are pretty decent. And the best seats are frickin' AWESOME!

Speaking of 11,000 seats... I found a list of arenas in Calif. and spotted something the same size called Stockton Arena just a couple miles south of UOP. They don't seem to have any regular sports tenants anymore despite the fact is was built a little over 10 years ago. Anyone know anything about that place?

I also see Fresno has another arena, newer than Selland, which has apparently replaced that one for at least some FSU events.

Just fishin' around here... But just do *NOT* go back to Arco!
Thank you. Arco was awful. Been to many HS venues better.
G1 is amazing kiddman32. You will walk away impressed.
I think that arena is in Stockton and they use it for events and shows. Years ago I watched Jesuit play Mitty there for I believe was Norcal D1 champ. It was awful to watch a game. Its Stockton keep that in mind.
CAL was by far the best.
Not sure what Golden 1 will be like for high school games but went to an NBA game there last month and it is beautiful... personally don't like high school games in nba arenas, prefer more intimate setting like we saw at Cal for Odowd-Mater Dei...

On a related note, how was the attendance at Santa Clara for the Sac area showdown in the Norcal Open finals???
I was there and didn't think to look around and see just how crowded it was... Maybe 3/4 full for the Open final? (Capacity is 4500)

If you find or hear a ridiculously high attendance figure, that's because so many folks show up just for one game and then leave the seat empty, to be re-sold.
Been to Golden 1 for a college game and I actually liked it better than Cal. It's more on top of the court than arco. My best suggestion is to eat before you come though cause the prices are over the top. I know there won't be beer at the high school game but it was like 14 dollars for a 16 oz bud light. SMH
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Ha ha.... What about those comfy blue and red seats? ouch.... Parking was easy and cheaper.
Jkidd filled it against MD back in 1992. But they finally got smart and put curtains up on the upper deck so the lower bowl was usually pretty full.

But the games and memories will last a lifetime at Arco. Personally one of my favorites was Foothill (sac) victory in either D2 or D3. I can't recall but the energy in that building for that game was incredible.

Hey Larry, I remember that game. Div 3- 2003. They played in a loaded Gridley that year and struggled some. Sam Kirby, Chris Walker and co. Fun team to watch. Love Coach Hibbs. Never saw his team lay down.
Here's wishing you great hoops
Been to Golden 1 for a college game and I actually liked it better than Cal. It's more on top of the court than arco. My best suggestion is to eat before you come though cause the prices are over the top. I know there won't be beer at the high school game but it was like 14 dollars for a 16 oz bud light. SMH

For that price, you should have gotten actual BEER. :)
Anywayy... All I need is to find juuuuuust one passably edible filling food (like chicken strips & fries or similar) that doesn't break the bank this weekend.

Arco had a *reasonably* digestible chicken strips & fries meal for 8 bucks, which was passable to hold me over until the games were done and I could go get something tasty... Otherwise everything cost wayyyyy too much and didn't appear edible.

And, if I remember correctly, they carried Mountain Dew... By far my fave soft drink. Expensive but a rather large serving, probably 22-24 ounces, maybe 30-32.

Well, that's about all the positives I have for the Barn... Oh, wait... Their wi-fi was pretty good, actually better than most. :)

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