James Logan vs. Palo Alto in the D1 Norcal Finals


Sports Fanatic
Mar 11, 2017
James Logan (27-5) is coming in with a 3 game win streak while Palo Alto (26-4) is coming in with a 7 game win streak. This game will take place at Santa Clara University.

What your thoughts and predictions for this game? I don't know much about Palo Alto but their underdog story scares me
Palo Alto is on a good run and have shown they can fill it up with multiple guys. Also have an advantage having played at Santa Clara for the section final. To me the difference will be Edra Luster inside. If he is an impact guy as a shot blocker and make Palo Alto respect the inside scoring threat, I think Logan has a good chance to win.
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Palo alto might have too many weapons for Logan. Dorward has been unstoppable of late on driving to the basket. Dublin's best defender couldn't contain him. Paly's point guard runs the show and doesn't turn it over. THey are relentless on the boards.
Paly has a shooter that had 6 threes in the first half vs ST.Marys. Too many weapons

Logan has the big man in the middle but Paly has bigs coming off the bench that will wear Logan out. Logan does have a nice guard but not enough pieces to upset the Vikings.
I think a lot of people can agree that Paly is not a typical 9 seed. Having won their section title, they got screwed when it comes to seeding. Paly had a tougher road than Logan, but Logan played in a tougher league. If we're going with comparables Logan lost to Dublin in sections and Paly beat them in Norcals. Both games were close. Vegas would have this as a pick'em. I'm rolling with Palo Alto and I'm encouraging som Linsanity.
i am Logan guy and i have not seen Palo Alto play. Understand that Paly has played played a tough schedule to get to this championship. However, do not under estimate the Colts. They play tenacious defense and have good athletes coming off the bench. They are well coached.

My prediction is this will be a tight and well played game. As always, it will come down to who plays the best defense.
Chuck, how many guys come off Logan's bench? Last game I saw only 2. Were some not playing against Heritage?
I guess two were enough to beat a very good Heritage team. It is not quantity it is quality. That said, Logan will have their hands full with an excellent Paly team.
Palo ALto is a different animal than the athletic teams that Logan strives against. PA grinds you and surprises you with their quickness. The thing that Logan has not seen is the incredible three point shooting of Palo Alto. PA also might have potentially two D1 players . Logan might keep it close for awhile but the discipline of Paly should prevail.
Dublin tried pressing Paly and led to multiple lay ups and wide open three pointers . Dublin is one the best pressing teams in the area.
Chuck, how many guys come off Logan's bench? Last game I saw only 2. Were some not playing against Heritage?

Logan runs a 7 man rotation. It was 8 but the SF has been off the team for a while now.
4 of the players are all-league type players and contribute to 90% of their points (Conner, Parilla,McGlory and Luster) and then they have 3 role players who are all pretty tall, athletic and 100% effort type of players.
Palo ALto is a different animal than the athletic teams that Logan strives against. PA grinds you and surprises you with their quickness. The thing that Logan has not seen is the incredible three point shooting of Palo Alto. PA also might have potentially two D1 players . Logan might keep it close for awhile but the discipline of Paly should prevail.
Dublin tried pressing Paly and led to multiple lay ups and wide open three pointers . Dublin is one the best pressing teams in the area.

Logan has a solid chance and here is why.

First of all, Logan has a solid size advantage over Paly. Luster is 4 inches bigger then anyone on Paly, and then we have 3-4 players (Colyer, McGlory, Steadman and Hawkins) that are all taller or tall as the tallest player on that team. Doward is going to have to grab those boards and get those buckets over Luster this time and that is no easy task.

And secondly, our best defender (McGlory) plays the same position as Miles Tention which is huge for Logan. McGlory shut down Kyrie Walker in the first matchup against him, completely shut down MC's best player and leading scorer in the first round of the CIF playoffs and has experience matching up with every teams best players throughout the season.

I'm obviously really biased towards Logan and Paly has a great chance but I just want to point out that both teams have advantages working for them in this matchup.
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Paly has zero Division one players. Logan might have one. Tension and Dorwood are D 2 guys. Tension is not athletic enough and Dorwood not a good enough shooter to be Division 1.
What they do have is incredible depth. That Jefferson guy that comes off the bench would start for 95% of teams in California.
I'm really excited for today's game, rooting for a win but this season is already one of the most if not the most successful season Logan has seen. We hadn't been to the Nor-Cal finals in 30 years before this year.

Also, win or lose I think this the last real game for either team. I know neither team is going to go in with a defeated mindset but both the teams in the So-Cal side of the bracket are just overpowered. It won't even be much of a game and I hope I'm wrong. I'm rooting for whatever team comes out of our side of the bracket though.

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