Molieri is out at M-A


Hall of Famer
Sep 25, 2009
He has been placed on leave by the Sequoia Union High School District. He has been the Menlo-Atherton boys' basketball coach for a dozen years. No public reason has been given for his ouster.
i hope i don't get banned for saying this but this entire situation seems fishy. this is what districts usually do when there trying to make a nepotism hire.
Yeah, that doesn't sound like a typical coach firing simply because coaches who are fired don't usually also get placed on leave by the school district... I don't think, at least if they aren't also a teacher at the school or something...
I am not affiliated with M-A in any way, but have always admired Coach Molieri, and the style of ball his teams display, especially on the defensive side.

Did a bit of research on Google, and found some interesting articles.

From what I can gather, this all started with a 16 year old M-A black special ed student's arrest in April, 2023 (race is relevant to the story if you know any history about M-A). There's multiple layers to the story, and hard to decipher what went down. But Coach Molieri is a special ed teacher at M-A, so had to be involved. The coach's brother Dan, an ex-cop, is the lead investigator into the incident for a local law firm. The kid is suing the school district for discrimination, and Coach got caught up in it.

Recently, on Aug. 29th 2024, the school district sent Dan Molieri a 14 day "stay away order", after the board said he made "threatening" comments at a school board meeting on Aug. 21st.

So, lots of layers to the story. Feel bad for Coach M. and of course the kids.

so it sounds like the coach did nothing wrong. embarrassing and sad that these weak and pathetic "administrators" are choosing to throw a good man under the bus to save themselves rather than face even a shred of accountability.
I don't have any facts on this, and the articles provide very few, but it looks... Well... bad.

Seems like there could be a real divide at the school, probably racial in nature... Will be a tense year there... I wonder how many kids will just transfer out to avoid the whole situation?
I don't have any facts on this, and the articles provide very few, but it looks... Well... bad.

Seems like there could be a real divide at the school, probably racial in nature... Will be a tense year there... I wonder how many kids will just transfer out to avoid the whole situation?
heads need to roll at this school over this nonsense. get real administrators in there and let the coaches coach.

nothing else matters until this gets fixed.
Thanksgiving gonna be wild this year at the Moleri house if his brother is investigating him.

Stephen Curry could have helped here, yet he denied affordable housing in the area...

The secretary called the police for exactly what? Also, that town must be extremely boring if the police responded for that call and arrested someone. We cant even get them to respond in Oakland to active crime with violence.

The photo of the coach in the article he looks like he has had a few too many before the meeting.

The irony I am doing Diversity training at the moment when typing this
Yeah, that whole deal with brother investigating brother... That can't be comfortable, and if it goes far enough, will be a BIG problem in the courts.