NCP Pick'em - Week 2

Streak One

Hall of Famer
Nov 11, 2003
Here is the schedule for week two. Picks are due by 3:00 PM on Friday.

Bellarmine at Del Oro (Game of the Week)
Cardinal Newman at Clayton Valley Charter
Servite at De La Salle
Marin Catholic at St. Ignatius
Piedmont at Moreau Catholic
Central Catholic at St. Mary's-Stockton
Rocklin at Whitney
Palma at St. Francis-Mountain View
Riordan at Sacred Heart Prep
Notre Dame-Sherman Oaks at Serra
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10. Bellarmine (26-20)
9. Clayton Valley
8. S.H. Prep
7. Notre Dame
6. De La Salle
5. St. Mary's (Stockton)
4. Rocklin
3. Palma
2. Marin Catholic
1. Piedmont
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10. DLS
09. CVC
08. SHP
07. Palma
06. Whitney
05. Piedmont
04. Central Catholic
03. Notre Dame
02. Bells 24-21
01. Marin Catholic
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Bellarmine 28-14
Central Catholic
10 Clayton Valley Charter
8 Serra
7 Del Oro (27-21)
6 Rocklin
5 Sacred Heart
4 St Mary's
3 SI
2 Palma
1 Piedmont
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Here is the schedule for week two. Picks are due by 3:00 PM on Friday.

Bellarmine at Del Oro (Game of the Week)
Cardinal Newman at Clayton Valley Charter
Servite at De La Salle
Marin Catholic at St. Ignatius
Piedmont at Moreau Catholic
Central Catholic at St. Mary's-Stockton
Rocklin at Whitney
Palma at St. Francis-Mountain View
Riordan at Sacred Heart Prep
Notre Dame-Sherman Oaks at Serra
10 CVC
8 Whitney
6 Central catholic
5 Bellarmine 35-27
4 palma
3 Serra
1 piedmont
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Lets just call this the WCAL pickems.
Not quite enough WCAL teams for that;) But 5 out of ten is pretty high. Since Doug likes to use matchups that are hard to predict or maybe better said that the prediction spreads are really tight, then WCAL league does win that trophy this week.
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Reactions: superslow
10 Rocklin
9 Sacred Heart Prep
8 De La Salle
7 Clayton Valley Charter
6 Piedmont
5 Del Oro (24-21)
4 Marin Catholic
3 St. Mary's
2 Palma
1 Serra
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If it makes everyone feel better, I think only one WCAL team will be on the pick'em next week :)

10. Clayton Valley Charter
9. De La Salle
8. Sacred Heart Prep
7. Rocklin
6. Palma
5. St. Mary's-Stockton
4. Marin Catholic
3. Bellarmine (21-17)
2. Notre Dame-Sherman Oaks
1. Piedmont
Here our my private school pick 'ems... 16 out of 20 teams this week is impressive...

10. Clayton Valley Charter
9. De La Salle
8. Rocklin
7. Sacred Heart Prep
6. Bellarmine (24-21)
5. Piedmont
4. Marin Catholic
3. Palma
2. St. Mary's
1. Notre Dame - SO
10-Clayton Valley Charter
9--Sacred Heart Prep
7--Notre Dame-Sherman Oaks
4--De La Salle
2--Central Catholic
1--St. Ignatius
10 Clayton Valley Charter
9 De La Salle
8 Rocklin
7 Bellarmine 28-21
6 Sacred Heart Prep
5 Palma
4 Central Catholic
3 Marin Catholic
2 Moreau Catholic
1 Serra
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10. DLS
9. CVC
8. SHP
7. St. Mary's
6. Moreau
5. Rocklin
3. MC
2. Palma
1. DO (34-31)
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10) Clayton Valley Charter
09) De La Salle
08) Sacred Heart Prep
07) Palma
06) Bellarmine (24-21)
05) Marin Catholic
04) Notre Dame-Sherman Oaks
03) Piedmont
02) Rocklin
01) St. Mary's-STOCKTON*

* Only because I can't pick against my team. CC's JV has crushed SMS the past 2 years. Also, heard SMS QB Dunniway did not practice Monday due to concussion. Sophomore QB Aponte may play for SMS vs CC, instead of Dunniway. If Rams D could not stop CN's Brookshire, doubt they will stop CC's QB Petlansky. Petlansky rushed for 78 yards on 13 carries vs SMS D last year. It will be more this year without SMS MLB Khalil Hodge. But, will CC be able to stop SMS's run game with senior Zaunbrecher and sophomore Frampton? Hmm?
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< 10 > De La Salle
< 9 > Clayton Valley
< 8 > Sacred Heart Prep
< 7 > Palma
< 6 > St. Mary's
< 5 > Notre Dame -Sherman Oaks
< 4 > St. Ignatius
< 3 > Rocklin
< 2 > Bellarmine (27-21)

< 1 > Piedmont
10) DLS
9) Notre Dame
8) CVC
7) Bellaremine (35-24)
6) St. Ignatius
5) Whitney
4) St. Mary's
3)St. Francis
2) SHP
1 Moreau
10. DLS
9. Palma
8. CVC
7. SHP
6. Bells 28-14
5. st. marys
4. ND-SO
3. Rocklin
2. SI
1. Piedmont
10. Rocklin
9. Sacred Heart Prep
8. Piedmont
7. De La Salle
6. Clayton Valley Charter
5. Marin Catholic
4. Del Oro 24-21
3. Notre Dame-Sherman Oaks
2. Central Catholic
1. Palma
10. Moreau
8. CVC
7. Bells (31-20)
6. St Marys
5. Marin Cath
4. SHP
3. Whitney
2. ND-ShermOaks
1. St. Francis
Missed the first two weeks . . . oh well

10. De La Salle
9. Sacred Heart Prep
8. Clayton Valley Charter
7. Rocklin
6. Marin Catholic
5. Piedmont
4. Notre Dame - Sherman Oaks
3. Palma
2. Del Oro 20-17
1. Central Catholic

Holy Bowl biased bonus pick: Christian Brothers
10, De La Salle
9, Clayton Valley
8. Sacred Heart
7, Rocklin
6. Notre Dame
5. Palma
4. St Marys
3 Moreau
2. St Ignatius
1. Bellermine 28-21
10. DLS
9. CVC
8. Marin Catholic
7. Palma
6. Central Catholic
5. SHP
4. Whitney
3. Bellarmine. 28-17
2. Piedmont
1. Serra
10. CVC
9. DLS
8. Marin Catholic
7. SHP
6. Palma
5. Serra
4. Bells 31-21
3. St. Mary's
2. Piedmont
1. Rocklin
4.Central Cath
2.Norte Dame
1.Marin Cath
1. Rocklin
2. Serra
3. Clayton Valley Charter
4. Marin Catholic
5. Riordan :)
6. Palma
7. De La Salle
8. Bells 31 Del Oro 24
9. Moreau Catholic
10. Central Catholic
0. Clayton Valley Charter
9. De La Salle
8. Sacred Heart Prep
7. Bellarmine (28-20)
6. St. Ignatius
5. Serra
4. St. Mary's-Stockton
3. Whitney
2. Moreau Catholic
St. Francis
10 - De La Salle
9 - Sacred Heart Prep
8 - Rocklin
7 - Clayton Valley Charter
6 - Bellarmine (28-24)
5 - St. Francis-Mountain View
4 - Central Catholic
3 - Piedmont
2 - Marin Catholic
1 - Serra
10 De La Salle
9 Sacred Heart Prep
8 Clayton Valley Charter
7 Rocklin
6 Marin Catholic
5 Piedmont
4 Notre Dame-Sherman Oaks
3 Del Oro 24-21
2 Central Catholic
1 Palma
10. Sacred Heart Prep
9. De La Salle
8. Clayton Valley Charter
7. Piedmont
6. Palma
5. Bellarmine 27-14
4. Central Catholic
3. Whitney
2. St. Ignatius
1. Serra
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10. De La Salle
9. Clayton Valley Charter
8. Central Catholic
7. Rocklin
6. Palma
5. St. Ignatius
4. Sacred Heart Prep
3. Notre Dame-Sherman Oaks
2. Del Oro (35-27)
1. Piedmont
H.E.A.T. is this week's winner on the first tiebreaker over PAL95. He is also the runaway leader through three weeks. Please submit any corrections by Monday at 12:00 PM.

Clayton Valley beat Cardinal Newman 28-0

De La Salle beat Servite 52-15

Marin Catholic beat St. Ignatius 27-7

Central Catholic beat St. Mary’s 36-22

Whitney beat Rocklin 28-20

Bellarmine beat Del Oro 34-31

St. Francis beat Palma 28-14

Riordan beat Sacred Heart Prep 48-21

Serra beat Notre Dame 35-29

Moreau Catholic beat Piedmont 55-9

H.E.A.T. 48

PAL95 48

HSfan82 43

jordan24 41

farmair3 41

superslow 37

NorCalSportsFan 36

Rmbr26 36

Hatchball 35

ncscalfootball 34


3Yards&ACloudOfDust 32

bulldogmgc 30

Cal 14 30

mshNasty 29

bella123 28

Irish_Cheers 27

UnknowntoMankind 27

Dan12Kings 27

djgaucho 27

Golfpilot 27

Streak One 26

2wcats 26

SacFB 25

thehookup55 24

Folsom77 23

Lakers2480bulldogs 21

FBAddict 20

sweetjfromthebay 20

Yearly Standings

  1. H.E.A.T. 142

  2. farmair3 123

  3. superslow 120

  4. PGownsWHITNEY 120

  5. UnknowntoMankind 119
Streak, I scored 33. Not that one point matters much. Thank you
Cloud O'Dust... Whadda mean, "Not that one point matters much?" Points add-up, one at a time. 1-2-3... see, in no time at all, 1-point leads to 3-points, 3-points suddenly can become 6-points, and so on.

Yeah, a few days ago, not many around this site, on September 4, were thinking back to that date, 11-years ago, when had De La Salle scored an average of 1-point more every 2.4 minutes, or just 5 points more each quarter, and had the Spartan D allowed no further points, not even one more measely point, DLS would have beaten Bellvue, Washington 40-39 (instead of losing 39-20) that night in Seattle and, well, the 151-game streak would have gone at least ONE (1) UNO more win without a loss and, who knows...? Sigh... Muds

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