Riordan v Salesian

All Riordan needs is to stop Obenyah and they’ll be fine.

He has 13 of the 18 points score by Salesian

Ryder Bush 2 fouls already…..he’s a foul away from being done for the half
The R tries to work for the last shot…. Pride pressures them into 5-second call…. Shot at buzzer close, but no ceeegar…. 29-27 Crusaders at the half.
Obenya gets to 21…. Riordan leads tho, 40-37. 2:57 left 3rd.

Definitely been worth the drive and the bridge traffic to get here…. A classic is brewing!
Obenyeh 1 of 2…. 52-51. He goaltends on the other end, 54-51. Rencher fouled…. First Ft good, time out. 55-51. 1:00 left.
Pride 3 bounces out, R rebound…. Tencher FT’s, good, good…58-51.

They head for the exits….

Foul, one FT made…. Foul, lotsa hack and hope.

Riordan ain’t falling for it…. 60-52, Time for me to head out.

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