Rocklin @ Folsom

The Heat Miser

Oct 5, 2018
Big matchup to open up SFL play this Friday! 1 and 2 in the section (MaxPreps) go head to head. Folsom is definitely the favorites but Rocklin always plays them tough. Thoughts? Keys to game?
After much thinking... That's the game I chose for this week.

Didn't want to go to El Cerrito, where my Cougs are, like, 3-TD underdogs.

My keys to the game?

1: leave early, Friday traffic can be stupid.
2: Have a pesto pizza at Roma 2 in Rancho Cordova on the way.
3: Enjoy the games.

(Oh, wait, I bet you weren't looking for that kind of keys to the game...)

All I know is watch out for Folsom QB Ryder Lyons. He's dangerous with his arm AND his legs.

Not exactly super-deep insight, but then I am a hoops guy... :)
After much thinking... That's the game I chose for this week.

Didn't want to go to El Cerrito, where my Cougs are, like, 3-TD underdogs.

My keys to the game?

1: leave early, Friday traffic can be stupid.
2: Have a pesto pizza at Roma 2 in Rancho Cordova on the way.
3: Enjoy the games.

(Oh, wait, I bet you weren't looking for that kind of keys to the game...)

All I know is watch out for Folsom QB Ryder Lyons. He's dangerous with his arm AND his legs.

Not exactly super-deep insight, but then I am a hoops guy... :)
4. Gold Club Centerfolds after?
Not sure about this game. I have a feeling Folsom runs away with it in the second half. They have one common opponent (Turlock) and Rocklin battled for a W while Folsom destroyed them. It was the first game of year for Turlock and things change so take it with a grain of salt.
I'm saying 44-21 Folsom Wins.
Not sure about this game. I have a feeling Folsom runs away with it in the second half. They have one common opponent (Turlock) and Rocklin battled for a W while Folsom destroyed them. It was the first game of year for Turlock and things change so take it with a grain of salt.
I'm saying 44-21 Folsom Wins.
on the “pick them” i said folsom 42-3 but i think the game stays low scoring until late something like 14-3 then when rocklin gets desperate and tries to throw (they have no pass game) the snowball affect happens and the clock runs at the end. i do think that if they rematch in the play offs it will be a much closer one or two score type of game

just my two sense
How long do transfers have to sit out for? If it’s 3 games, I don’t think this game will be that close. Folsom has some big help on the way.
on the “pick them” i said folsom 42-3 but i think the game stays low scoring until late something like 14-3 then when rocklin gets desperate and tries to throw (they have no pass game) the snowball affect happens and the clock runs at the end. i do think that if they rematch in the play offs it will be a much closer one or two score type of game

just my two sense
We will see Friday. I will disagree that Rocklin doesn’t have a pass game. I think their QB and WR core can sling it. Maybe I’m wrong we will find out tomorrow. Also I believe SJS sit out period for transfers ends 9/28 meaning all SOP will have to sit out another game after this one.
We will see Friday. I will disagree that Rocklin doesn’t have a pass game. I think their QB and WR core can sling it. Maybe I’m wrong we will find out tomorrow. Also I believe SJS sit out period for transfers ends 9/28 meaning all SOP will have to sit out another game after this one.
928 is the ncs date, sac sjs is a week earlier in all fall sports
Maybe I am mistaken but I thought all CIF had the same date for eligibility. I had looked at it last year so I only assume it was the same this year.
We will see Friday. I will disagree that Rocklin doesn’t have a pass game. I think their QB and WR core can sling it. Maybe I’m wrong we will find out tomorrow. Also I believe SJS sit out period for transfers ends 9/28 meaning all SOP will have to sit out another game after this one.

You’re not wrong.

Anybody making the claim that Rocklin doesn’t have a pass game is talking out their @$$ in an attempt to stir the pot and/or just doesn’t have the first damned clue what they’re talking about hence can’t be taken seriously.

I didn’t see the comment in question, as that instigator's “contributions” are hidden from my view, but I can confidently say that both the above apply in his case.

FWIW, Rocklin has had one of the top QB’s in the section the past 2 seasons (this season included) and nothing has changed in that regard. They don’t have the bevy of receiving talent they had the past couple years, especially at the TE position, but Mavrik Collins is still there along with some other promising talent.

We’ll see what they’ll be able to do against Folsom on Friday night, but even if they don’t manage to play well it won’t be because they aren’t adept at slinging it.
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Not sure about this game. I have a feeling Folsom runs away with it in the second half. They have one common opponent (Turlock) and Rocklin battled for a W while Folsom destroyed them. It was the first game of year for Turlock and things change so take it with a grain of salt.

Your grain of salt comment is the right way to look at it IMO.

The common opponent method of predicting games is counterfeited just as often as it appears to be correct. Not only can the performances of teams vary from week-to-week, they can often be drastically different over the course of several weeks or at the end of the season.

Furthermore, in the case of Rocklin and Folsom versus Turlock, the Thunder had to travel 2 hours+ by bus to play a team with a month or more to prep for the game (as is the case for all week 0 games) whereas Turlock had to make the 2 hour+ trek to face a Bulldogs team that had 14 days to prepare for them (Turlock played the previous week).

Point is, the circumstances leading up to both games were drastically different.

Moving on from that important distinction, here's a relevant and current example demonstrating why common opponents are often deceiving:

Bishop Manogue-Reno beat St. Mary's-Stockton 21-14 on 08/24 then 3 weeks later traveled to Modesto and lost to Central Catholic 41-28.

So what would the common opponent method have you believing the outcome of a Central Catholic-Modesto versus St. Mary's-Stockton match up to be?

Well, the Rams beat the Raiders, on the road, by 2-scores, 27-14. Common opponent method counterfeited yet again.

Looking at De La Salle's schedule, they beat Grant Union by 28 then beat Serra-San Mateo by 29 the very next week.

Would the majority here expect the Pacers to play an even game against Serra-SM right now, let alone have a realistic of beating the Padres? The common opponent method says 'YES'. But I believe the majority here would expect Serra to beat GHS by a few scores.

Circling back to tomorrow's Rocklin at Folsom game, the Bulldogs seem to possess more talent and depth thus are easily the favorite. But match ups differ from opponent-to-opponent and more importantly these are league opponents that play every year and scout each other much more intensely and in-depth. Rocklin had an extra week to focus solely on the Bulldogs, and due to their scehdule, might also have had the luxury of holding some things back in anticipation of this game.

I'm not saying that's what Coach Adams and his staff have done, just that it's not unprecedented.

All the above could mean nothing or it could mean everything. Who knows.
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How long do transfers have to sit out for? If it’s 3 games, I don’t think this game will be that close. Folsom has some big help on the way.
This is the best week to have a bye in the SJS, as sit-outs can play next week, but have to still sit this week.
We will see Friday. I will disagree that Rocklin doesn’t have a pass game. I think their QB and WR core can sling it. Maybe I’m wrong we will find out tomorrow. Also I believe SJS sit out period for transfers ends 9/28 meaning all SOP will have to sit out another game after this one.
Strongly disagree. They have playaction. That's it.
Rocklin's QB has D1 offers and was one of the best soph prospects in Norcal last year. How can he not throw? What am I missing here? Oak Ridge has no passing game. NO argument here on that front but anybody saying Rocklin can't throw is dead wrong. Regardless I don't see the Thunder winning but it won't be becuase of their QB.
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Rocklin's QB has D1 offers and was one of the best soph prospects in Norcal last year. How can he not throw? What am I missing here? Oak Ridge has no passing game. NO argument here on that front but anybody saying Rocklin can't throw is dead wrong. Regardless I don't see the Thunder winning but it won't be becuase of their QB.
it doesn’t matter if he can throw or not if the receivers cannot get open and cannot catch
I can't believe I am typing this, but I agree with Moist and dumb. It's not that the Rocklin QB isn't good...Rocklin just doesn't have a passing game.
I can't believe I am typing this, but I agree with Moist and dumb. It's not that the Rocklin QB isn't good...Rocklin just doesn't have a passing game.
I would disagree. But the good news is we will find out a lot tonight. Rocklin will need a passing game to have a chance to win. Can’t just run on 1st/2nd and pass on 3rd. Hoping for a good game.
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I would disagree. But the good news is we will find out a lot tonight. Rocklin will need a passing game to have a chance to win. Can’t just run on 1st/2nd and pass on 3rd. Hoping for a good game.
I could see 21-7 type game at Half and then Folsom opens up in the 3rd and pulls away.
Rocklin has been a thorn in Folsom side a little however and always comes to play. The speed factor on the outside will be tough for Rocklin to contend with and of course containing Lyons is brutal.
I can't believe I am typing this, but I agree with Moist and dumb. It's not that the Rocklin QB isn't good...Rocklin just doesn't have a passing game.

You make a statement that, to put it mildly, strains credibility while providing zero evidence to support it. Burden of proof is on you. Prove it.
You make a statement that, to put it mildly, strains credibility while providing zero evidence to support it. Burden of proof is on you. Prove it.
they have never averaged even 200 yards a game passing and most year struggle to crack 150 per game and this year is no different.

and they rack up the majority of what pass yards they get against the bad teams.

look up there best ever performance against folsom in the last 5 years and see how anemic it is.

what other proof do you need?
Rocklin's QB has D1 offers and was one of the best soph prospects in Norcal last year. How can he not throw? What am I missing here? Oak Ridge has no passing game. NO argument here on that front but anybody saying Rocklin can't throw is dead wrong. Regardless I don't see the Thunder winning but it won't be becuase of their QB.

Far too many baseless claims are casually thrown around this forum. Differing opinions are fine. But if someone is going to make these types of statements, at least provide something of substance to support the craziness.

Even if "play action" is all this person thinks they've seen from Rocklin through 3 games, in what way does that mean they can't do anything else? Even struggling against Folsom tonight doesn't prove a thing.

If the statement was "Rocklin has shown to be more of a run-oriented team through 3 games" then provided the evidence of nearly twice as many rush attempts as pass attempts --- good, great, grand, wonderful. No problem.

But to conclude and suggest that they lack something simply because a 3-0 team hasn't really had to show or rely upon it is a classic example of one-dimensional thinking.

While a QB averaging 175 pass yards and 2 TD passes per game through 3 games -- along with his top receiver averaging 73 yards and a TD reception per game -- doesn't scream "greatest show on turf", it clearly doesn't support the statement being made here, either.

Here's something interesting:

Reeve Slone: 3 games, 33 for 47, 524 yards, 6 TD's
Ryder Lyons: 3 games, 44 for 61, 614 yards, 6 TD's

Mavrik Collins: 9 rec, 220 yards, 4 TD rec
Jameson Powell: 21 rec, 243 yards, 4 TD rec

Considering the negligible difference, does this mean Folsom doesn't have a passing game either? SMH.
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Even struggling against Folsom tonight doesn't prove a thing.

Too much one-dimensional thinking.
even if they struggle to pass against every single team on there schedule for over 5 years it still doesn’t prove anything. because this guy said so. so trust this guy they can totally throw. right?

the only thing one dimensional is rocklins offense.
Rocklin's QB has D1 offers and was one of the best soph prospects in Norcal last year. How can he not throw? What am I missing here? Oak Ridge has no passing game. NO argument here on that front but anybody saying Rocklin can't throw is dead wrong. Regardless I don't see the Thunder winning but it won't be becuase of their QB.
Far too many baseless claims are casually thrown around this forum. Differing opinions are fine. But if someone is going to make these types of statements, at least provide something of substance to support the craziness.

Even if "play action" is all this person thinks they've seen from Rocklin through 3 games, in what way does that mean they can't do anything else? Even struggling against Folsom tonight doesn't prove a thing.

If the statement was "Rocklin has shown to be more of a run-oriented team through 3 games" then provided the evidence of nearly twice as many rush attempts as pass attempts --- good, great, grand, wonderful. No problem.

But to conclude and suggest that they lack something simply because a 3-0 team hasn't really had to show or rely upon it is a classic example of one-dimensional thinking.

While a QB averaging 175 pass yards and 2 TD passes per game through 3 games -- along with his top receiver averaging 73 yards and a TD reception per game -- doesn't scream "greatest show on turf", it clearly doesn't support the statement being made here, either.

Here's something interesting:

Reeve Slone: 3 games, 33 for 47, 524 yards, 6 TD's
Ryder Lyons: 3 games, 44 for 61, 614 yards, 6 TD's

Mavrik Collins: 9 rec, 220 yards, 4 TD rec
Jameson Powell: 21 rec, 243 yards, 4 TD rec

Considering the negligible difference, does this mean Folsom doesn't have a passing game either? SMH.
keep that same energy and post the passing stats for tonights game! the difference in the game (hint: there was such a difference the game ended up not being close - guess which team could actually pass)

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