Interesting Post
@awood1 !... Maybe you didn't read what
@ivey1919 posted when he said that "Have you even ever Played Sports?"... I was answering him back when I discussed what sports I played in High School...
1st, let me state that I have spent years on here, the better part of which was dedicated solely to reading the comment and input of the posters here. In that time, there has been a large number of posters that actually contribute
nothing to the promotion, enjoyment or advancement of high school football. A lot of posters come off as bitter old has beens that now sit in judgement of HS kids and hard working coaches that are still enjoying the experience that should have been a high point and fond memory of their childhood, yet they still hold on.
Over that time I have hit the "ignore" button on most and the experience has been much more palatable in their absence. For whatever reason this post & article had me "triggered" as it was so far fetched and full of bull puckey. Suffice to say, following this post, I'll exercise the "ignore" button and go back to enjoying the handful of posters that seem to enjoy seeing the results of teenage boys working hard to achieve a common goal.
2nd, it's clear that neither of us are winning any prizes for reading comprehension. You're correct in your assessment. I did not recognize that you were responding to
@ivey1919's inquiry. As a result, when I read your post (assuming that it was addressed at me for some odd reason) it read as some sort of justification for your opinion. I wasn't comparing
my education or athletic accomplishments to yours, but rather those of my eldest son. It would seem to me that posting my own accomplishments would be the pot calling the kettle black. Pretty hypocritical to mock a guy reliving his glory days by listing your own. Definition of the classic pi$$ing contest. So I took the opportunity to list my son's accomplishments with the intent of demonstrating that
regardless of your resume', mocking and ridiculing HS kids that are busting their hump isn't cool. FWIW, my resume' isn't near that of my either of my son's. They youngest is currently an soldier in the US Army. So thank you for your service and if I may momentarily jump back to talking football, GO ARMY! BEAT NAVY!
3rd, I will personally go with the cliche' of "agree to disagree" re: running up the score. I imagine that I am older than you are (just a guess, my wife often refers to me as a "curmudgeon" after 27yrs). Put simply, I'm old school. I grew up wrestling and boxing, not playing organized football until HS. One of my 1st coaches recognized that I was competitive by nature and didn't handle losing too well. He quite simply provided the direction that shaped the rest of my life when he said, "If you don't like losing, DO SOMETHING about it! Don't blame your opponent. Don't blame the officials. Don't blame your parents, your coaches, or the fans in the stands. YOU DO SOMETHING about it." Again, that advice in itself is somewhat cliche' but its the launch point for most of my opinions. In wrestling or boxing, a loss is a loss. Whether it's a 10-9 OT wrestling match, a split decision of 29-28 scorecards, a 1st Rd KO or a 1st pd. tech fall, they all go down as wins for 1, losses for the other. Over the years, I've had my ass handed to me by guys that were far superior athletes and wrestlers and I've lost matches to guys that I should have beaten. Some of the guys that dominated me were true sportsman. Shook my hand, hung out after the match, heck some are still best friends. Others were, and still are, a-holes. In either case, they went down as losses and thats not on them. If I didn't like a particular guy, it was on me to beat them. I made the choice to step on the mat and accept the outcome. It's not on them to "take it easy" if they happen to be way beyond my skills an abilities. I realize this is somewhat of a stretch to football, but it's the core of my understanding. Speaking of the athletes (not the coaches or fans) that play for Folsom, I think THEY hate losing and collectively DO all THEY can to prevent it. That's not something a kid should ever have to feel bad for.
Last, I do my absolute best to not even engage in the conversations that belittle or diminish the work that any kid puts in. When we talk about on the field decisions, scheduling or perceived "attitude", seldom if ever is that a reflection on the young men actually wearing the jerseys and playing the games. So when it appears that fans are taking the actions of a coach or a fan and projecting those on to a TEAM comprised of 14-18yr olds who have dedicated a large chunk of their lives to a game, it's frustrating. It's the result of the "keyboard cowboy" syndrome that leads to fans saying ridiculous things on-line that they would never say to a coach or kid. In "real life" I tend to be overly optimistic and believe in the good in people. So much so, that I have to believe that neither you or most other folks here would approach a 16yr old kid wearing a Folsom jersey on the street and say, "You guys are classless paper champions! Bullies that pick on weak teams, run up the score to embarrass your opponents and schedule only weak teams to avoid getting beat!" Yet there are jerks that have nothing BUT this to say on-line over and over and over. Those guys get the "ignore" button.
_signing off.