San Diego coaches gang up on Folsom

Case in point: GB with the great Ernie Cooper was playing Grant Union in GB. Less than a minute left in the game with the score 21-7, GB was parked at Grants 2 yard line. First play they took a knee instead of driving the score up. Grant quickly decided to call a time out....Next play GB ran an Iso and scored to make it 28-7....who is that on? I agree with his decision....
I would totally agree with that decision.
Case in point: GB with the great Ernie Cooper was playing Grant Union in GB. Less than a minute left in the game with the score 21-7, GB was parked at Grants 2 yard line. First play they took a knee instead of driving the score up. Grant quickly decided to call a time out....Next play GB ran an Iso and scored to make it 28-7....who is that on? I agree with his decision....

The show of sportsmanship or respect was unspoken. The refusal to recognize the act wasn’t. The point was hammered home. Nothing to see here.
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I dont believe the article. When it says coaches are working together. Really? If me and my staff are winning. Have been winning. I have a state championship experienced staff. Then all of the sudden im inviting all these coaches over to my campus, to tell me they know better? Just dont see it.
Secondly, i hope folsom beats the crap out of San Diego, and puts up a double nickel.
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I think dls is class and as a folsom fan i think it would be much more honorable if folsom could show the same if that is what is going on...however it does seem like things have changed a little in 2018 as majority of the games this year has seen them pull their starters..i think when facing a team like central when it was closer at half and didnt open up until late 3rd quarter, you would keep them if it is true that they had the ball close to centrals end zone with two min left you cant really run it out too much at that point but if they didnt the second string shuld have come in
I have followed DLS very closely for years and I have not seen nor heard anyone accusing them of running up the score.... I May be wrong, so I will defer to anyone who knows different...

What I do know is, if DLS was up by 31 Points with 2 Minutes left in the game and on the 2 yard line, they would have their second string in the game and take a knee...

Because even if the other team scores a TD against DLS 2nd string, DLS is fine with winning by 24 vs 31... Because rubbing it in their opponents face by running up the score is not what DLS does...

While that is generally the case with DLS, there are always exceptions. In 2011 with Lad still at the helm, DLS was up 3 TDs over Cal High 24-3 with 2 minutes left. Rather than run the ball and the clock out, they had their D1 QB Houston still in the game and were passing the ball upfield to try to get 1 more score. Lad even called a timeout in that last 2 minutes to save clock.

They ended up not scoring and the final was “just 24-3”, but that’s not something you forget. Especially when people say they would Never do that. So Folsom would not be the first elite team to leave their star QB in late when up more than 2 scores, or throw the ball late when the game was already decided, or even call TO to actually lengthen the game. I know it’s an anomaly for DLS, and I’m sure they had their own reasons for doing so, but it does happen.
To provide some clarity and point of reference....Folsom led 41-7 at the half. That means they had only scored 2 TDS over the next 15-17 minutes before the final TD pass by Browning ( on a screen pass). I still don’t think id have had my starting QB in the game at that point, but it does appear the Bulldogs had taken their fooot of the gas at halftime

Of course, on top of that, all 3 (yes, three) offensive TDs for Folsom in the second half were passes. Overall, they only ran the ball 17 times out of 52 plays.
I agree.

And the example off the top of my head may not be a good one. Point was, once it was clear the game was decided in my favor, I'd start cycling in reserves and hope my opponent would begin to concede as well. A running clock helps too.

Yes, but if you're up by 42 at the beginning of the 4th quarter, is it really that important to end up winning by 42? Is it embarrassing if their starters put up 14 on your reserves and you "only" win by 28? Either way, you're not in danger of losing the game.

Seems to me that the risk of injury to your starters (especially if the other team commits some personal fouls out of frustration) outweighs any benefit of maintaining your huge lead. Additionally, the benefit of getting your reserves some PT, particularly against a first-string offense, could come in handy if there is an injury to a starter, if not just for the following year of those players are juniors.
Interesting Post @awood1 !... Maybe you didn't read what @ivey1919 posted when he said that "Have you even ever Played Sports?"... I was answering him back when I discussed what sports I played in High School...

1st, let me state that I have spent years on here, the better part of which was dedicated solely to reading the comment and input of the posters here. In that time, there has been a large number of posters that actually contribute nothing to the promotion, enjoyment or advancement of high school football. A lot of posters come off as bitter old has beens that now sit in judgement of HS kids and hard working coaches that are still enjoying the experience that should have been a high point and fond memory of their childhood, yet they still hold on.

Over that time I have hit the "ignore" button on most and the experience has been much more palatable in their absence. For whatever reason this post & article had me "triggered" as it was so far fetched and full of bull puckey. Suffice to say, following this post, I'll exercise the "ignore" button and go back to enjoying the handful of posters that seem to enjoy seeing the results of teenage boys working hard to achieve a common goal.

2nd, it's clear that neither of us are winning any prizes for reading comprehension. You're correct in your assessment. I did not recognize that you were responding to @ivey1919's inquiry. As a result, when I read your post (assuming that it was addressed at me for some odd reason) it read as some sort of justification for your opinion. I wasn't comparing my education or athletic accomplishments to yours, but rather those of my eldest son. It would seem to me that posting my own accomplishments would be the pot calling the kettle black. Pretty hypocritical to mock a guy reliving his glory days by listing your own. Definition of the classic pi$$ing contest. So I took the opportunity to list my son's accomplishments with the intent of demonstrating that regardless of your resume', mocking and ridiculing HS kids that are busting their hump isn't cool. FWIW, my resume' isn't near that of my either of my son's. They youngest is currently an soldier in the US Army. So thank you for your service and if I may momentarily jump back to talking football, GO ARMY! BEAT NAVY! :)

3rd, I will personally go with the cliche' of "agree to disagree" re: running up the score. I imagine that I am older than you are (just a guess, my wife often refers to me as a "curmudgeon" after 27yrs). Put simply, I'm old school. I grew up wrestling and boxing, not playing organized football until HS. One of my 1st coaches recognized that I was competitive by nature and didn't handle losing too well. He quite simply provided the direction that shaped the rest of my life when he said, "If you don't like losing, DO SOMETHING about it! Don't blame your opponent. Don't blame the officials. Don't blame your parents, your coaches, or the fans in the stands. YOU DO SOMETHING about it." Again, that advice in itself is somewhat cliche' but its the launch point for most of my opinions. In wrestling or boxing, a loss is a loss. Whether it's a 10-9 OT wrestling match, a split decision of 29-28 scorecards, a 1st Rd KO or a 1st pd. tech fall, they all go down as wins for 1, losses for the other. Over the years, I've had my ass handed to me by guys that were far superior athletes and wrestlers and I've lost matches to guys that I should have beaten. Some of the guys that dominated me were true sportsman. Shook my hand, hung out after the match, heck some are still best friends. Others were, and still are, a-holes. In either case, they went down as losses and thats not on them. If I didn't like a particular guy, it was on me to beat them. I made the choice to step on the mat and accept the outcome. It's not on them to "take it easy" if they happen to be way beyond my skills an abilities. I realize this is somewhat of a stretch to football, but it's the core of my understanding. Speaking of the athletes (not the coaches or fans) that play for Folsom, I think THEY hate losing and collectively DO all THEY can to prevent it. That's not something a kid should ever have to feel bad for.

Last, I do my absolute best to not even engage in the conversations that belittle or diminish the work that any kid puts in. When we talk about on the field decisions, scheduling or perceived "attitude", seldom if ever is that a reflection on the young men actually wearing the jerseys and playing the games. So when it appears that fans are taking the actions of a coach or a fan and projecting those on to a TEAM comprised of 14-18yr olds who have dedicated a large chunk of their lives to a game, it's frustrating. It's the result of the "keyboard cowboy" syndrome that leads to fans saying ridiculous things on-line that they would never say to a coach or kid. In "real life" I tend to be overly optimistic and believe in the good in people. So much so, that I have to believe that neither you or most other folks here would approach a 16yr old kid wearing a Folsom jersey on the street and say, "You guys are classless paper champions! Bullies that pick on weak teams, run up the score to embarrass your opponents and schedule only weak teams to avoid getting beat!" Yet there are jerks that have nothing BUT this to say on-line over and over and over. Those guys get the "ignore" button.

_signing off.
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Case in point: GB with the great Ernie Cooper was playing Grant Union in GB. Less than a minute left in the game with the score 21-7, GB was parked at Grants 2 yard line. First play they took a knee instead of driving the score up. Grant quickly decided to call a time out....Next play GB ran an Iso and scored to make it 28-7....who is that on? I agree with his decision....

For me, this easily fits under the category of, opponent didn’t follow suit, isn’t conceding and is still playing to win. So I fully agree that Cooper made the correct decision. And if GHS was at all upset about it, it’s solely on them.
While that is generally the case with DLS, there are always exceptions. In 2011 with Lad still at the helm, DLS was up 3 TDs over Cal High 24-3 with 2 minutes left. Rather than run the ball and the clock out, they had their D1 QB Houston still in the game and were passing the ball upfield to try to get 1 more score. Lad even called a timeout in that last 2 minutes to save clock.

They ended up not scoring and the final was “just 24-3”, but that’s not something you forget. Especially when people say they would Never do that. So Folsom would not be the first elite team to leave their star QB in late when up more than 2 scores, or throw the ball late when the game was already decided, or even call TO to actually lengthen the game. I know it’s an anomaly for DLS, and I’m sure they had their own reasons for doing so, but it does happen.

Thank You! Great Post! I am surprised Lad would do that but I Certainly didn't see that game so I have no doubt what you saw was 100% correct...

This is Very out of character for DLS, would love to her Lad's Reasoning for doing that... :)
2nd, it's clear that neither of us are winning any prizes for reading comprehension. You're correct in your assessment. I did not recognize that you were responding to @ivey1919's inquiry. As a result, when I read your post (assuming that it was addressed at me for some odd reason) it read as some sort of justification for your opinion. I wasn't comparing my education or athletic accomplishments to yours, but rather those of my eldest son. It would seem to me that posting my own accomplishments would be the pot calling the kettle black. Pretty hypocritical to mock a guy reliving his glory days by listing your own. Definition of the classic pi$$ing contest. So I took the opportunity to list my son's accomplishments with the intent of demonstrating that regardless of your resume', mocking and ridiculing HS kids that are busting their hump isn't cool. FWIW, my resume' isn't near that of my either of my son's. They youngest is currently an soldier in the US Army. So thank you for your service and if I may momentarily jump back to talking football, GO ARMY! BEAT NAVY! :)

Actually Dude, You are the one that has reading comprehension issues not me... I have never once criticized Folsom's Players or Blamed them for Their Coaches decisions to Run up the score and Embarrass lower level teams and Duck Tough Opponents... I would love for you to show me where I have ever questioned a Kids work ethic or effort... For you to suggest such is offensive...

The only thing I have ever mentioned was "Folsom's QB's" are Overrated and Over-matched vs DLS or "Good Competition". Because the COACH just cares about running up the score on lower level teams and Fluffing the QB's stats and setting records at the expense of other hardworking kids that don't deserve to get embarrassed... This is a knock on their COACH not the Players....

Your Coach is who my issue is with... I have no Problem Telling your COACH that he has built his Recruited up Program in to a Classless Bully which is demonstrated by rubbing the Non-Recruited up Kid's Faces their losses by running up the score...

Didn't you @awood1 actually say that "No High School Kid Should Feel Bad About A Loss.".... Wasn't there an Article about how All the Teams in Folsom's League want them out because of running up the score and rubbing their faces in it?...

I would Especially ask your COACH Why he is Afraid to take his team to So Cal play Corona Centennial?.... He took his team with 17 Returning Starters down there to play a team Returning 3 Starters whose best season was 2013 when they won a D2 (Lower Level) SBG...

Conversely, If I ran into a Folsom Player on the Street, I would say to them "Congratulation's on Back to Back 1-AA Titles and being The Best 1-AA Team I have Ever Seen!!! Great Job, you should be proud of Yourself and Teammates!"...

My Problem is with your Coach, not your players... So Save your Holier Then Thou "This Dude Is making Fun of These Poor Folsom Kids" garbage...

Those Kids Football wise have every advantage over all the teams they play in terms Training, Facilities, Equipment, etc.... Your Coach needs to take those Great Recruited-UP Kids and Man up and Play Corona Centennial and stop Running up the Score and Rubbing other Non-Recruited up Kids faces in it...

What is really a Disgrace, is how you condone Folsom Embarrassing the other Non-Recruited Hardworking Kids who don't have the same Football advantage's as Folsom Kids.

I will agree with one thing, I do need to take a step back from my constant criticizing of your COACH (Folsom)... I do say the same thing over and over because it is what it is...

I will Promise you this, The day Folsom's Classless, "Paper Tiger" COACH puts his team on a Bus and takes a shot at Corona Centennial, win or lose, I will stop Criticizing YOUR COACH (Folsom) and Will Never again Call YOUR COACH (Folsom) a Classless Paper Tiger....

P.S. Your Resume is impressive, But I don't know why you had to share it because I didn't ask... Must be that Folsom "We are Better Then Everyone Else and need to rub it in their Face Mentality."

Go Navy, Beat Army! :)
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I will Promise you this, The day Folsom's Classless, "Paper Tiger" COACH puts his team on a Bus and takes a shot at Corona Centennial, win or lose, I will stop Criticizing YOUR COACH (Folsom) and Will Never again Call YOUR COACH (Folsom) a Classless Paper Tiger....
Amen brother!!! And to be honest, doing this will only strengthen Richardson's legacy.
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Case in point: GB with the great Ernie Cooper was playing Grant Union in GB. Less than a minute left in the game with the score 21-7, GB was parked at Grants 2 yard line. First play they took a knee instead of driving the score up. Grant quickly decided to call a time out....Next play GB ran an Iso and scored to make it 28-7....who is that on? I agree with his decision....

"I give you a gift. It is a gift of mercy. Oh, you don't want my gift? Oh, ok, then here's my dirty sock down your throat again."
Nope but Socal puts most of it heavy hitters in one bracket and 1 team moves on to SBG. The rest are a clear level behind that group basically the “B” squads. NorCal makes sure it’s top two team play in SBG games because one couldn’t handle losing.

He clearly said the only team in Nor Cal he considers a “big boy” is DLS. Not sure what playoff brackets have to do with that.
Folsom fans think it's cute. They turn a blind eye to reality, It's unfortunate but the only way this will ever change is when one of their star players blows a knee out in the middle of trash time and Richardson has to answer questions. It's unfortunate but it's what will ultimately happen.
And I bet that’s what you Folsom haters would love to see happen!
Actually Dude, You are the one that has reading comprehension issues not me... I have never once criticized Folsom's Players or Blamed them for Their Coaches decisions to Run up the score and Embarrass lower level teams and Duck Tough Opponents... I would love for you to show me where I have ever questioned a Kids work ethic or effort... For you to suggest such is offensive...

The only thing I have ever mentioned was "Folsom's QB's" are Overrated and Over-matched vs DLS or "Good Competition". Because the COACH just cares about running up the score on lower level teams and Fluffing the QB's stats and setting records at the expense of other hardworking kids that don't deserve to get embarrassed... This is a knock on their COACH not the Players....

Your Coach is who my issue is with... I have no Problem Telling your COACH that he has built his Recruited up Program in to a Classless Bully which is demonstrated by rubbing the Non-Recruited up Kid's Faces their losses by running up the score...

Didn't you @awood1 actually say that "No High School Kid Should Feel Bad About A Loss.".... Wasn't there an Article about how All the Teams in Folsom's League want them out because of running up the score and rubbing their faces in it?...

I would Especially ask your COACH Why he is Afraid to take his team to So Cal play Corona Centennial?.... He took his team with 17 Returning Starters down there to play a team Returning 3 Starters whose best season was 2013 when they won a D2 (Lower Level) SBG...

Conversely, If I ran into a Folsom Player on the Street, I would say to them "Congratulation's on Back to Back 1-AA Titles and being The Best 1-AA Team I have Ever Seen!!! Great Job, you should be proud of Yourself and Teammates!"...

My Problem is with your Coach, not your players... So Save your Holier Then Thou "This Dude Is making Fun of These Poor Folsom Kids" garbage...

Those Kids Football wise have every advantage over all the teams they play in terms Training, Facilities, Equipment, etc.... Your Coach needs to take those Great Recruited-UP Kids and Man up and Play Corona Centennial and stop Running up the Score and Rubbing other Non-Recruited up Kids faces in it...

What is really a Disgrace, is how you condone Folsom Embarrassing the other Non-Recruited Hardworking Kids who don't have the same Football advantage's as Folsom Kids.

I will agree with one thing, I do need to take a step back from my constant criticizing of your COACH (Folsom)... I do say the same thing over and over because it is what it is...

I will Promise you this, The day Folsom's Classless, "Paper Tiger" COACH puts his team on a Bus and takes a shot at Corona Centennial, win or lose, I will stop Criticizing YOUR COACH (Folsom) and Will Never again Call YOUR COACH (Folsom) a Classless Paper Tiger....

P.S. Your Resume is impressive, But I don't know why you had to share it because I didn't ask... Must be that Folsom "We are Better Then Everyone Else and need to rub it in their Face Mentality."

Go Navy, Beat Army! :)
If you have so many issues with Folsom’s head coach, why don’t you get on the phone and give him a call and tell him what you actually think about him, instead of belittling on here behind his back? I have given him a call because of one team I had seen before, just to give him heads up about a trick play they ran, and he thanked me for the heads up, and said that they already were aware of that. Don’t talk shit behind his back on here, grow some balls and be a man!
He clearly said the only team in Nor Cal he considers a “big boy” is DLS. Not sure what playoff brackets have to do with that.

Please try and follow along topic is Folsom and SD teams and game. Poster asks if DLS, SJB, and MD are only “big boys” that matter. Asking I suppose to imply that these SD teams are legit to add a degree of validity to Folsom’s SBG title accomplishments. I simply pointed out the other “big boy” from Socal get eliminated leaving the “B” squads for Folsom. And yes I would consider DLS the only “big boy” in NorCal.
Folsom and DLS are about even this year in strength. Next year, I think Folsom will struggle with DLS. That early game was a lot closer than the Folsom haters want to acknowledge!
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Please try and follow along topic is Folsom and SD teams and game. Poster asks if DLS, SJB, and MD are only “big boys” that matter. Asking I suppose to imply that these SD teams are legit to add a degree of validity to Folsom’s SBG title accomplishments. I simply pointed out the other “big boy” from Socal get eliminated leaving the “B” squads for Folsom. And yes I would consider DLS the only “big boy” in NorCal.

I was responding to the other poster, not you. He made a claim about Folsom not being able to play with the “big boys”. If he doesn’t consider Central and any schools in the SJS “big boys” then that means only So Cal schools and DLS fit that category.

Why you felt the need to quote my post relplying to a different person talking about the southern section’s playoffs? I have no idea.
Case in point: GB with the great Ernie Cooper was playing Grant Union in GB. Less than a minute left in the game with the score 21-7, GB was parked at Grants 2 yard line. First play they took a knee instead of driving the score up. Grant quickly decided to call a time out....Next play GB ran an Iso and scored to make it 28-7....who is that on? I agree with his decision....

When was this I don’t remember us ever losing to granite bay by that score
Hard to say that Folsom and DLS this year are about even. I mean DLS was within 6 points in the 4th quarter against what will be the two time national champion.

A MD/Folsom game would be something like 62-14 MD.
Case in point: GB with the great Ernie Cooper was playing Grant Union in GB. Less than a minute left in the game with the score 21-7, GB was parked at Grants 2 yard line. First play they took a knee instead of driving the score up. Grant quickly decided to call a time out....Next play GB ran an Iso and scored to make it 28-7....who is that on? I agree with his decision....

Pete Carroll did the same under a similar circumstance to beat UCLA 50-0. Rich N called a time out and Pete made him eat it