Sheldon-Franklin Platinum Results


May 7, 2009
Congratulations to Modesto Christian on winning the Platinum Bracket of the 10th Annual Sheldon-Franklin Summer Jam

MC defeatied Sheldon 69-59 to win a very competitive Platinum bracket that included numerous close games.

To view complete tourney results, visit and click brackets and select Platinum, Gold, Silver, etc.
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Modesto Christian is looking straight up scary so far, they're going to be a force this year.
Modesto Christian is looking straight up scary so far, they're going to be a force this year.

I don’t disagree at all. I made it the final day of the tournament and got to watch a little bit of everyone in the platinum bracket. I also saw MC the weekend before at the Da La Salle tournament. I have talked to one of the player’s father at both events and they haven’t played a tournament this summer with their whole varsity roster there. They have some kids who got minutes for them last year gone for different reasons. What they did in the championship game was pretty impressive, they finished the semi final game and played the championship game right after. It was their 4th game of the day and Sheldon’s 3rd as they had a first round bye.

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