Showcase at the Matadome

Mira rebound and runout…. Tokay score…. 68-61. Mira turnover…

Tokay putback…. 68-63.

Mirahacked, FT’s good. 70_63.
79-67 final. Took like 40 minutes of hacking, wild 3’s, balls rolling up the court, timeouttimeouttimeouts galore.

And the tesm trying to get back in the game failed to do so. Again. They rarely even get close.

Last night’s Campo game was a rare exception, and was really close…. but it was steals and made 3’s for the most part, not 5 million fouls and a zillion time outs…. And little or no stupid ball-rolling.

can YOU sayyy…. Elam Ending?

:::: Steps off soap box ::::
Anyway…. Next up, Dougherty Valley vs. Santa Rosa.

The main attraction here, of course, is Dougherty Valley’s Jalen Stokes. I have not seen him in his new duds yet.

Santa Rosa, get ready to get slapped around some…
A quick 6-0 DV. Santa Rosa calls time…. I just heard their coach say, “this is a new kind of basketball game”,
16-10 DV after 1q…. Santa Rosa is doing quite well vs what looks like mostly DV’s 2nd string…. Stokes and his gang return…
22-12 now…. Near-fight breaks out…. Refs talking it over. Gotta be some T’s and ejections…. Couldn’t hear, I’m a little too close to the Santa Rosa fans…
29-20 DV now…. Stokes and the gang still in…. but it looks like Rashod Cotton is over there in sweat clothes…. I think.
Well, he WAS out…. and immediately committed a charge. and then he just got served a WILSONburger right in his face.

These Santa rosa kids really compete.
Judging from the number of people left in here…. The traffic “jam” will last 7.553 seconds.
84-49 final. Gonna guess Stokes is POG….

Scored some 30 while only playing 5 minutes or so in the 2nd half.

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