Some excitement up in the hills last Friday night!

The Ref’s had a tough week last week all over. Maybe this warrants a discussion about the quality of refereeing these days versus back in the day. Growing up, I formed relationships as a player with middle and high school referees. Some were good and some were not, specifically in regards to some of their calls. After games, I would even chat with them about certain calls and we’d get to know each other and a relationship was formed. Not sure how kids these days talk to refs. It’s worth a discussion. The NBA is having issues as well
Sounds like it was handled poorly all around. What isn't acceptable or excusable is anyone coming onto the court from the stands. How about the two principals getting on the PA system and warning everyone to remain in the stands and that anyone interrupting the game would be subject to expulsion and or arrest?

I'm happy to say the vast majority of refs in San Francisco, the Peninsula and South Bay are good. Some are weak, but there are more very good refs than weak ones.

I have never seen any game get out of hand and the players, coaches, administrators and refs have maintained control extremely well.

We're fortunate to have the refs we have and I let them know that frequently.

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