Yes it WAS.
The kid WAS able to “keep developing” despite NOT attending a prep school, which the original poster said was “needed”.
You seem pretty intent on defending prep schools and PP, despite the fact I never said anything negative about them that required defending. Seems an obvious sore spot for you. You say I am “making your argument”, yet you don’t even understand no one is disagreeing with you. The basis of the original conversation or disagreement (which occured a few months ago on a different chain) was that Stojakovic was different and unique, and as such he didn’t NEED nor want to go the prep school route. Some posters disagreed, saying PP and prep schools were the ONLY way to go if he wanted to keep improving. Which seems pretty obvious he was able to do fine without them. Others stated that PP could get him if they wanted him - which was, and still is, 100% false. (And laughable for anyone who knows the kid and his dad - it wasn’t gonna happen).
My point here, which for some reason you continue to not grasp, has ZERO to do with PP (or any prep school) and everything to do with the unique scenario surrounding Dre. The kid was able to improve and develop quite nicely, without going the prep school route. Not that PP and other prep schools can’t bring certain positives to some kids that aren’t offered thru a traditional school.