USA Top 25... LBP not ranked...No Yani...she might have to sit the whole year

USA Today's list is always a little suspect because the guy who does it also does football and boys' basketball, and to do all three justice is almost impossible. For example, not having Riverdale Baptist anywhere in the rankings is pretty hard to swallow, and I think the Mater Dei ranking is just reflect. They could be pretty good, but in preseason, I have to have Chaminade and Brea both ahead of them in Southern California.

And why will Clark miss the season?
Clay this is the So-Cal chatter on Clark

: : : : : : : What Cal-Hi is saying ...will Clark be playing in December?

: : : : : : Well Ayanna transferred to St. Anthony and CIF approved the transfer and she did not move so it was a 30-day sit out. Well whatever happened at St. Anthony, she left. She tried to get back into Poly but Poly was full so Ayanna wound up at Cabrillo. During this time she did not play basketball but she transferred back to Poly this past spring I believe. Well, the key word is transferred. Since she transferred back to Poly but did not move, it should be a 30-day sit out per CIF rules.

: : : Poly was full ??? they couldn't accept one more student....possible one of the top players in the country????

: : Yes Poly was full. See in Long Beach Unified School District every school as an allotment or a cap on how many students a school can take in. Some schools have more space than others. So when Ayanna Clark tried to get back into Poly, Poly had already reached capacity so she went to Cabrillo which had space still. Once a school reaches capacity it doesn't matter who the kid/student is they can not get in the district will not allow it until a space opens up.

: : What should also be a concern is the new transfer rules in Long Beach. The rule states that an athlete must sit out a full calendar year if they transfer from one school to another within the district. The only ways an athlete can bypass the one year sit out is if they move into the school boundaries of the school they want to transfer to or apply for a hardship.

: : Also if I read the rule right any athlete that wants to transfer to a Long Beach school from outside of the district must also have a valid change of address and must live within the school boundaries of the school they want to transfer to. If not, then the transfer is voided by the Superintendent of LBUSD.

: : Here is the link to the story about the rule change.

: :

: Sounds like targeting...
: from the article..."The move makes LBUSD the most athletically restrictive school district in California."

AC lives in the LB Poly district and has NEVER moved , even while attending St Anthony's and she NEVER played at Cabrillo. Parents/adults are so quick to speak on someone's kid while sitting behind a keyboard. Just worry about your kid and their roster and if Poly sports interest you so much, you should have enrolled your daughter!
It's too bad -- here's a great talent missing out on a lot of games and experience. Sure, club ball is better in some ways, but a high school career could be 100+ games, and those games are in an overall setting much more like college than the summer season. Clark will still get her shot at the next level, but she really missed out on a lot because of all the transfers.
That should make the WCJ Platinum more interesting ... Lynnwood is nationally ranked, so LBP may have to chance to prove it belongs.

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