More sanctions coming Refs you might want to buy the dip and short the VIx for a while
It’s unfortunate but let it go get over it there’s no recourse to replay the eight secondsI will answer your question with a two-part question … Where in the rule book does it say that, during the last 8 seconds of a section playoff game, defenders may include referees, bench players, and crowd members? Where in the rule book does it say that, during the last 8 seconds of a section playoff game, ladies may dance at midcourt (baby holding also permissible)?
I saw his response video on line and I must say it did look worse live. It would not have been so bad if he were not smiling and grinning though out his response. It gave the impression that he did not take it that seriously.-------------------------------------------The huge issue now is the messaging. Will Deboard is basically throwing up his hands and saying there is no recourse.. .and he feels so sad for the kids, and it's unfortunate. This was what he said in the Sac Bee, and it looks worse when he's interviewed live on kcra. -------------------------------------
Facial expressions can give a false sense of ones' demeanor or feelings. Some nervous expressions come out as smiling or grinning based on things as simple as mouth structure.I saw his response video on line and I must say it did look worse live. It would not have been so bad if he were not smiling and grinning though out his response. It gave the impression that he did not take it that seriously.
Rule books are not going to be able to supply direction in respect to every situation. this is where common sense comes into play. which by his reaction he does not seem to be able to employ. Why even have a commissioner if not to resolve situation like this. At least make some sort of attempt or be able to give the appearance of giving a sh111t.
This was reffing error. It should have been a technical foul on the crowd. 2 shots and the ball with 7 seconds left on the clock. Now that that has passed the only punishment the section can do is not let those refs officiate for this season.Regarding the fiasco that happened when Lincoln (Stockton) traveled to McClatchy on Monday night ...
CIF section assistant commissioner Will DeBoard said (in the Sacramento Bee):
“When the officials declare the game is over, it’s over. There isn’t anything we can do. The officials are in charge and it’s their judgment. We can’t reverse a result. Would it be great if we could play those final seconds on a clean court? Absolutely. But we can’t. It’s unfortunate."
Will DeBoard, like everyone in charge of things throughout society these days, of course just passes the buck and uses the whole "there's nothing I can do about it". Nothing you can do about it, Will? Aren't you the section commissioner? Did you forget your title? I know you're just the assistant, but maybe you and Commissioner Mike Garrison can try actually doing your job. You guys are the SECTION COMMISSIONERS.
As Lincoln Coach Chris Roemer said (in the Sacramento Bee):
"A grown woman came on the floor in a defensive stance to guard my kid in play as she tried to tie the game."
Come on, Will. A grown woman (along with several others from the crowd), were on the court playing defense (some of them literally) for the last 8 seconds of the game. I'm not even talking about the McClatchy players. There were people from the crowd playing literal defense for 8 seconds and you say it is "unfortunate" and you "can't do anything about it"?
Lincoln standout Junae Mahan is an excellent dribbler, but she was trying to dribble past about 15 McClatchy defenders (including grown women, students, the actual 5 players who were supposed to be on the court, the McClatchy players that ran on the court off the bench, even the ref was in the way). Of course, Junae still got a shot off but you just say that situation is "unfortunate"? Come on, Will.
Will, a true leader would've said "This is completely unacceptable on all levels. I am going to make sure this situation gets rectified." But no, you said "there's nothing I can do about it".
Is "Midcourt Baby Mama" a character that you are OK with, Will? There's "nothing you can do about" a lady dancing while holding a baby at midcourt for the last 8 seconds of the game?
Mike Garrison and Will DeBoard need to step up and do their job. Saying there is "nothing they can do about it" is pathetic.
Will, if a grown woman broke into your house on Monday night and started dancing in the middle of your living room while holding a baby, would you be OK with that? If Mrs. DeBoard were to say "honey, can you please do something about Living Room Baby Mama", would you just say "sorry, honey, it's unfortunate that there is a lady dancing in the middle of our living room while holding a baby but there's nothing I can do about it"? No, you wouldn't, Will! You would do something about it. Because that's your job. Now step up and do your freakin' CIFSJS job!
the footwork was better than my elite defender any day HAHAHAHASolid defensive stance despite holding a baby. Must have been an elite defender in her glory days.
Yes they did. It was a friday night game and they replayed it the next morning.Thanks for sharing. This is really interesting. Did they go back next day?
Nope. Judgment call. Different than not enforcing the rules or the melee that ensued hereso can they also call the block/charge on the 2nd to last possession?
So the game is at Aragon?McClatchy gets a #2 seed in D2 but no home game. Maybe that's the punishment?
I am buying puts and short naked call on the Refs..More sanctions coming Refs you might want to buy the dip and short the VIx for a while