New SJS non-contact rule


Hall of Famer
Jun 25, 2001
At the January 2024 Board of Managers meeting, a proposal was passed that restructured the current sport calendar and the various periods. The proposal passed 54 in the affirmative and 4 in the negative. Here are the highlights of that proposal which goes into effect June 1, 2024.

  • Creation of one, universal dead period for all sports.
  • The dead period is now a non-contact dead period for ALL SPORTS which means that athletes cannot come into contact with their coaches (paid or volunteer) in any way or it will be a violation. The new zero-contact dead period is from July 1 - July 14 each year.
  • The use of outside agencies is not allowed to circumvent the dead period.
  • Limited periods leading into each season of sport for those specific teams (versus the three-week dead period from previous years).
  • During Period #3 (Fall Limited Period) those sports can petition the Section Office to operate as an outside group to compete in an event(s) for a national governing body.
  • 2024-25 Sport Calendar
  • After the season is completed, the school will declare if that sport is operating in a "limited" or "out of season" manner.

Nice idea. Who's going to enforce it?
So if a high school coach has her/his players on a summer club team (in any sport), someone unaffiliated with the school needs to coach that club team during the "dead period, right in the heart of summer? Or, I suppose, the club team just shuts down for those two weeks.
Apparently. And it applies to assistants as well, which will have an impact in all sports.

Now someone who knows more about football could tell us if the seven-on-seven summer leagues are happening July 1-14. If so, I would expect the football community to overthrow this in short order.
I would believe there are passing leagues that go on during that time, but don't know of any specifically.
It isn't enforceable, really. I can't see SJS sending out people to every summer tournament and asking coaches if they coach in high school.
It isn't enforceable, really. I can't see SJS sending out people to every summer tournament and asking coaches if they coach in high school.
I'm sure it's not enforecable, but it's just as easy to rat someone out if it happens. Like what would be the consequences if someone gets caught?
First, you could rat someone out, but then you'd have to have proof. A video from your phone with date stamp? But couldn't that be forged?

I guess the coach would be suspended, but for how long?

And if you go to the games and sit in the stands, does that count? I've seen coaches in similar situations be two rows up from the team and talk to whoever's coaching througout the game.

Just a dumb idea ...
If it will be difficult to enforce..and i dont doubt that THEN it will only be enforced if certain Catholic Shool's violate it as someone will take a video that has a hard-on for the school.
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