Regular Season more than 2/3 over...lets get some Open Predictions

And paytc.. you rank teams all the time... isnt that comparing teams... or is there no need for that either?

I have never went out of my way to put any child, team, coach, or player down. On the contrary I have always tried to do just the opposite.I positively encourage folks. My books are a prime example of that. And I only put out one ranking poll after my arm was twisted by someone challenging me to see if I had a clue enough to put one together. I think I responded like a champ. As the list made a whole lot of practical sense without knocking anyone in particular.
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True that is why I wanted you to not leave either one of these good coaching jobs both are doing off.I think both Miramonte and Brookside are doing more with less not just one of them. I mean 5 players is a lot less than the 10 or 12 MM has. I know several folks like to go at it with Jazz and RespectBBGame. But I think some times I notice Pico and his children/players get unnecessarily thrown under the bus. When folks only mean to respond with their disagreement with RespectBBGame, Jazz, or whoever.

I agree both good coaches and good teams..i was merely placing one ahead of the other just like I know Respect and others probably place one ahead of the other in their opinion and it probably doesn't jive with mine.
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I have never went out of my way to put any child, team, coach, or player down. On the contrary I have always tried to do just the opposite.I positively encourage folks. My books are a prime example of that. And I only put out one ranking poll after my arm was twisted by someone challenging me to see if I had a clue enough to put one together. I think I responded like a champ. As the list made a whole lot of practical sense without knocking anyone in particular.

I totally agree that you had a solid ranking.. I just didnt see CamAca putting anyone down, just ranking one team in front of the other. Saying one team isnt as good as another isnt putting anyone down.. just stating an opinion
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I totally agree that you had a solid ranking.. I just didnt see CamAca putting anyone down, just ranking one team in front of the other. Saying one team isnt as good as another isnt putting anyone down.. just stating an opinion

I was also in agreement with you both on that. And it's fair to have an opinion on who one thinks is better without putting anyone down necessarily. Trust me I know how easy it is for folks to mistake your wanting to praise one team and not necessarily be putting down another. I just dealt with a couple folks thinking I was putting down Mitty when I was only focused on what Carondelet was failing to put their attention on improving. So we are not disagreeing just clarifying more than anything else.
5 D1 players on brookside? Not a chance Respect. Post the video first and then list the D1 offers or commitments, please.
True that is why I wanted you to not leave either one of these good coaching jobs both are doing off.I think both Miramonte and Brookside are doing more with less not just one of them. I mean 5 players is a lot less than the 10 or 12 MM has. I know several folks like to go at it with Jazz and RespectBBGame. But I think some times I notice Pico and his children/players get unnecessarily thrown under the bus. When folks only mean to respond with their disagreement with RespectBBGame, Jazz, or whoever.

If BC truly has 5 D1 players as RESPECT has stated. Then how can you say that Pico is doing more with less? I don't care if BC only has 5 or 6 players. If they have 5 D1's that's more than 99.999% of the country and BC should be considered the favorite in the SJS D1 and a lock OPEN qualifier if they win it.
That's if they truly have 5 D1 players.....
If BC truly has 5 D1 players as RESPECT has stated. Then how can you say that Pico is doing more with less? I don't care if BC only has 5 or 6 players. If they have 5 D1's that's more than 99.999% of the country and BC should be considered the favorite in the SJS D1 and a lock OPEN qualifier if they win it.
That's if they truly have 5 D1 players.....
5-5 =?
If BC truly has 5 D1 players as RESPECT has stated. Then how can you say that Pico is doing more with less? I don't care if BC only has 5 or 6 players. If they have 5 D1's that's more than 99.999% of the country and BC should be considered the favorite in the SJS D1 and a lock OPEN qualifier if they win it.
That's if they truly have 5 D1 players.....

I don't get caught up in the "so call" D1 player hype. Because from what I have seen any girl 5 "11 or taller with even a little coordination is grabbed up asap, whether they are skillful or not. They will call a 6 foot skeleton a D1 player so that's not always saying much to me. And we all have seen many girls dominate on a high school level just because of size and then not accomplish much at the next level.

I saw BC play and they were shorthanded but giving it all they had. In my book "so call " D1 or not, they were doing more with less.

And it didn't look like they were waiting on any of the BC haters or any player haters in general to approve what they were doing. Good for them. I hope they continue to thrive despite the doubters and haters. BC, Pico, and staff, some folks appreciate how hard your team has been working despite being shorthanded. Much continued success !
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I don't get caught up in the "so call" D1 player hype. Because from what I have seen any girl 5 "11 or taller with even a little coordination is grabbed up asap, whether they are skillful or not. They will call a 6 foot skeleton a D1 player so that's not always saying much to me. And we all have seen many girls dominate on a high school level just because of size and then not accomplish much at the next level.

I saw BC play and they were shorthanded but giving it all they had. In my book "so call " D1 or not they were doing more with less.

And it didn't look like they were waiting on any of the BC haters or any player haters in general to approve what they were doing. Good for them. I hope they continue to thrive despite the doubters and haters. BC, Pico, and staff, some folks appreciate how hard your team has been working despite being shorthanded. Much continued success !
The word hater needs to be omitted from conversation as it is over used. Just because people disagree with you does not make them a hater. I have watched BC and none stood out as a D1 player. Could I have missed? Of course but I did not miss all five of them.
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The word hater needs to be omitted from conversation as it is over used. Just because people disagree with you does not make them a hater. I have watched BC and none stood out as a D1 player. Could I have missed? Of course but I did not miss all five of them.

Hater typically has nothing to do with an agreement or disagreement. It has to do with an attitude of heart, and character of questionable value. I am not calling you or anyone who has made a comment on this or any other post a hater. But a hater is not hard to find...........

Anyone who constantly puts children down is an obvious " " You fill the blank in. Anyone who has to "always" be right even when it harms others is a " " You fill the blank in. Anyone who sees someone doing great and looks for faults in them regardless is a " " You fill in the blank.

Anyone who puts others down just to try to make themselves look or feel better is a " " You fill the blank in.

Anyone who starts something and then when others respond with something they don't like such as standing up for themselves or something worthy and they don't like or can't take it and it shows in their attitude is a " " you fill the blank in.

Anyone who doesn't recognize when they are dealing with someone that is too much for them and it doesn't matter how many " " come to help there is still no way to win. But they don't want to give in, they'd rather continue to bast in the misery they're trapped in is a " " you fill the blank in.

Anyone with significant power who selfishly (often times violently forces their beliefs and ideology on others) puts themselves and those they are aligned with before the masses of good people and doesn't necessarily play fair with no compassion for others is a " " you fill in the blank. Obviously there are other things that define a hater. For more pick up "Knock The Devil Out".

If you or anyone else is not guilty of doing things that fit into any of those hater boxes, your not a hater, so you have no worries about the word or label because it doesn't fit you or anyone else.

It is one thing to think a team or coach is not very good or over-rated and express that fact. It is another to continue to bash a coach, a team, a program, and a group of innocent children who are caught in the middle of non productive attacks involving them when they are doing all they can do and keeping a good attitude for the most part.

That is just my opinion. Not saying I'm right or wrong, it's my opinion only. It's America. You and others are free to express your opinions as well. Sometimes we are in agreement. Other times perhaps not? I think it is best to stay on the path of promoting safe, positive, and healthy girls basketball. And there could never be too much positive encouragement IMO.
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The word hater needs to be omitted from conversation as it is over used. Just because people disagree with you does not make them a hater. I have watched BC and none stood out as a D1 player. Could I have missed? Of course but I did not miss all five of them.

I've told Paytc this before... get off your high horse
The word hater needs to be omitted from conversation as it is over used. Just because people disagree with you does not make them a hater. I have watched BC and none stood out as a D1 player. Could I have missed? Of course but I did not miss all five of them.

I think Shaylene is....