
Salesian leads 21-17 end Q1. Akinjo has 9 to lead all scorers.

McCain and Martin's Johnson have 6 apiece for Folsom
Folsom settling down nicely after a slow start. Mccain looks like he can get to the rim anytime he wants. 21-17. salesian. Much more high scoring than I thought.
37-32 Salesian at half.

Not bad considering Salesian shot the lights out.

Good half.
Salesian up 37-32 at halftime

Akinjo with 16 points. Has scored at the rim, in a mid-range jumper, two 3s and got to the line.

JoVon McClanahan has made three 3s and been the best defender for Pride.

Forbes has two putbacks off offensive rebounds. Starting to come alive.

Folsom relying on balance by can't seem to get over the jump after Salesian scored game's first seven points.

Pride also went on a 9-2 run in Q2
Honestly back out that 9-2 start by Salesian and Folsom has been every bit as good. Don't foul Akinjo. That guy is like Steve Nash on the line. Folsom has to be feel good.
Akinjo is a great player. Very impressive.

Folsom is hanging tough though.

Folsom needs to step up defensively and keep Salesian off the glass. If they can do that they will be right there.
Salesian defense doesn't seem to be the issue. The problem is can Folsom get a stop on D. Folsom guards are getting to the basket but Akinjo is just so tough.
Folsom ties it up on a beautiful spin move by Forbes. Dudes in the front row are nervous lol
This is a very winnable game for Folsom. Its sort of watch Akinjo dribble for Salesian. Folsom getting contributions from a lot of people.
Salesian leads 54-51 after a really good Q3.

Akinjo has 26 points. Sawyer has 6 off the bench

Isaiah Jones has 14 points for Folsom.

Salesian is +6 at the foul line
Can't let Akinjo get his feet set at top of the circle like that. Its like a FT for him.
Salesian is the best shooting HS FT team I've seen. Streak you have stats tonight on them?
Tied at 65 heading into overtime.

Folsom has been beat on the birds tonight but get a huge o-board and outback from Lynch to tie the game
The FT difference is amazing to me. I'm sure Salesian has made more than folsom has taken.