AAU Observation

Dec 17, 2012
Over the past two weekends from the Rebels and Soldiers Tournaments I've seen the name of organizations on the front of shirts and then Stay Loyal on the back of the shirt

When did these organizations start preaching loyalty? There are only a few "loyal" organizations and then even then the parent/players grow out of them to get more notoriety. I've seen players switch teams every year, every month, to every week, I think it's a joke for them to mention anything about loyalty. Parents should be loyal to their kids, the directors/owners of these organizations are only loyal to money, sponsorship and power.
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That's not fully true. Many of these organizations start the kids at a young age and develop them throughout. It makes sense for kids to stay loyal to a group of kids and coaches throughout. The lack of loyalty to each other causes a lot of the issues in club ball. The coaches stay the same and really the money is not that big at all. Likely would make more shagging carts at Lucky per hour. Sponsorships are minimal .......and Power???? What Power??? People are kidding themselves on that stuff in my opinion. I don't think its "power" that gets guys to spend their weekends in gyms for next to nothing year after year.
The power they use are the choices they have to decide which kids they want for their program. They use the sponsorship as bait to recruit, thus the power to get any kids(s) the want. There are organizations placing enormous pressure on 4th graders to win tournaments, based on sponsorship. You're kidding yourself if you don't think Power is a big part of the AAU scene. These top teams will let you know that they feel they have the top program and they are development the kids, when they are ensuring they have the top players to keep their program/sponsorships alive.
The power they use are the choices they have to decide which kids they want for their program. They use the sponsorship as bait to recruit, thus the power to get any kids(s) the want. There are organizations placing enormous pressure on 4th graders to win tournaments, based on sponsorship. You're kidding yourself if you don't think Power is a big part of the AAU scene. These top teams will let you know that they feel they have the top program and they are development the kids, when they are ensuring they have the top players to keep their program/sponsorships alive.

the majority of these AAU coaches are spending their own money and families savings making sure their teams play and compete in the top tournaments. most of the teams that are saying they are sponsored are only getting some gear and the permission to say they are sponsored while only a handful of the top teams are getting money; most of the guys have to hustle fundraising events.

some times you get lucky and someone may donate to your efforts and you best believe most guys don't want their name attached to a team that's losing.
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Isn't like a lot of things in life. Top 5% are probably getting 95% of the free stuff in terms of shoes, gear, money, etc. The other folks are paying there hard earned money and coaches are getting by with pretty little.

Loyalty and AAU don't co-exist. That stuff left a long time ago. The pay to play era changed many things. Its about me and my brand now.

Anybody can print up a shirt or logo.
Getting very little? How so? They are paying for a service. Uniforms, gear, gym time, trainers, coaching staff, administration, tourney entry fees and travel all cost money. Why is it that every other sport can charge much more then hoops and it's completely fine. Coaches should not have to come out of the pocket to provide these services. If they do that's great and more power to them but doesn't mean everyone else is a sleazball.

Isn't like a lot of things in life. Top 5% are probably getting 95% of the free stuff in terms of shoes, gear, money, etc. The other folks are paying there hard earned money and coaches are getting by with pretty little.

Loyalty and AAU don't co-exist. That stuff left a long time ago. The pay to play era changed many things. Its about me and my brand now.

Anybody can print up a shirt or logo.

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