BoysCaliLive24 Schedule for 6/28-30 at Roebbelen Center Announced

Wellllll…. Quite an experience…. After a few minutes, the scoreboard for this court went totally kaput. After quite a few minutes trying to get a temporary board going and no success, they decided to go ahead, scoring the game on a phone app. Obviously not visible to the audience…. I have no clue re: score or clock.

Both teams look really good, though…
Going back the Campo loss…. It turns out that, in addition to the fact Crean Lutheran was young last season and basically had nearly all their guys back, they have a transfer, and he was the dude who nailed a mess of 3’s against us. Crean will indeed be tough next season.
I think both teams were missing guys but Riordan beat Destiny Christian 80-50. Crusaders looked very tough even without Renchar.
Watching Roebuck again, as well as some 40 college coaches at the end…. He is NOT normal…. has that “D1 glide” to him.

His La Mirada team is beating up SI, 53-36 with 7:36 left in the game. Roebuck is taking a long breather with the big lead.

Gonna guess Roebuck scored a lil over 20, a steal or two, several assists.

The rest of La Mirada is pretty darned good, too.
I would like to see Roebuck a little more active on D, but he still seems to be effective, just understands his job without wearing himself out. That might be that he could be more physically fit…. dunno.
They played SI, who fought back pretty hard after it looked early on like a complete blowout…. I think the final margin was 12.
Meanwhile, in the game behind me, Mater Dei is cookin’. 55 points in the first half v. Modesto Christian.
Millennium builds an 8-point lead on Dublin…. and I also heard their best player isn’t here…. His brother just got drafted in the first round by the Nuggets.
Watching Roebuck again, as well as some 40 college coaches at the end…. He is NOT normal…. has that “D1 glide” to him.

His La Mirada team is beating up SI, 53-36 with 7:36 left in the game. Roebuck is taking a long breather with the big lead.

Gonna guess Roebuck scored a lil over 20, a steal or two, several assists.

The rest of La Mirada is pretty darned good, too.
He’s extremely skilled and has been peaked out physically for a while. Not going to say he can’t get better but players will pass him up as they grow and develop later in high school.
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57-55 Millennium, 8:56 left…. Just watched a pretty behind-the-back pass for a flush on a Mater Dei fast break.

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