Whenever stats are posted or people put out information, I think it’s wise or it would be in good taste to type or show accurate information. It’s not fair to the persons mentioned, especially if the information shared about them, is inaccurate. Now, if the information given is simply an opinion, like your last comment, I can get with that. But I can’t get with including people and there information, especially if the information is, in my own opinion, not accurate or correct. Your opinion and everyone else’s opinion, is just that, an opinion, you or anyone else is free to express opinions, But, I will not ignore when information is given that’s suppose to be facts, when in fact it’s not. The original stat in question should have been addressed only, not the addition of other kid’s stats, whether you care or not about the subject in question, other kids could and should have been left out of that whole created dialogue, in my opinion.