Taking the high road? As in like blaming the refs for a bad early round NCS exit last year and saying the opponent was "gifted" the game and that they didn't "earn it" by beating you? That kind of high road!?
That said, this all just like my opinion man! Nothing personal, just having a little fun! LL is really good and super talented, just don't think they're going to get it done this year! I'm not picking on just you buddy, I feel the same way about CVC. Throw Berkeley into that mix as well, no chance!
I did feel that way...don’t remember the foul count. I do think there are good refs and bad ones. I also think some are bullies. However, I would agree they have a tough job.
Last year hell yes...the MVP of the league got bad calls I said it and I’ll say it again. You telling me refs don’t screw up games? Lol Old wound why u bring that up lol. LL did play like crap too. Man we should’ve won that game lol.
Look man, I know it’s isn’t personal but there is a difference between taking cheap shot making a point...as well as being a cool dude. Just felt like you were taking one...so I spoke on it. We all have our moments I did and you called me on it. Thanks! I’ll leave it there.
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