Equity League issues in football

The local high school writer for the Monterey Herald, John Devine, has an interesting article about equity leagues in football.

I feel that these equity leagues work for every sport but Football. Especially down in southern CCS where there is a pretty big discrepancy between the top 4 and the 26 other schools.

Well, you can't have a 4-team league, so something has got to give unless the CCS relents on its 6-team rule. In other sections, 4-teams in a league is not completely unusual. I think that mostly, the issue is with the SCCAL and PCAL. Teams in the PAL-BD seem to have cycled through years of success, but it's generally the same groups winning in the SCCAL-DAD and PCAL-GB.

Really, though, I wouldn't mind a wholesale change that included dropping the MHAL to B-league status... if we really want to be serious about competitive equity.

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