65 and over should be vaccinated first and those with underlying conditions. Should be based on highest risk first. Data suggests school age and at schools transmission low. Teachers and healthcare workers with conditions and age over 65 can get. vaccine Then open up to levels below. 95% efficacy on backdrop of 99.4 recovery puts it far better than the 35-50% efficacy of the flu puts COVID vaccine at extremely effective in whiopping out the pandemic and quickly delivery heard immunity.Vaccinations have opened up to those in education in California (Tier 1B) as of today. The state should make every effort to have those approx. 400,000 people vaccinated FULLY within 8 weeks. NO EXCUSES for not doing that. If everyone of them got their first shot today, they could have their second shot in three (Pfizer) or four (Moderna) weeks and be fully covered after another one to two weeks. That's fully protected teachers as early as mid-March. Start there and keep on working the problem!
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